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[资料方法] [翻译(附原文)]丰盛之书 更新中…7月2日校对完毕,上传pdf电子书。

发表于 2013-2-6 18:22:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-6 18:24:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-6 18:29:12 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-6 19:29:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 KellyWhite 于 2013-2-12 17:42 编辑

第八章 情绪--如何控制它们
If we really want to know the truth about who we are, all we have to do is let go of our attachment to thoughts and feelings. In silence, who and what we are makes itself known.
--Lester Levenson
In this chapter, we will review all we have been doing and then we will move further and take a step deeper into HOW to eliminate the habit of holding on to negative feelings--WHY it happened and WHAT to do about it.
We've been looking at our unwanted emotions by putting our head down. Every time we have an unwanted emotion, we put our head down or put our hand on our feeling center, stomach or chest, disconnecting our head and allowing the feelings to come up and pass through. Then we've looked at the wanting-to-figure-it-out habit. Actually, wanting to figure it out clouds your mind and allows you to be confused. It actually instructs your mind NOT to give you an answer. It's such a habit that it takes vigilance to reverse it, which is why I've asked you to spend the next few hours looking for the habit of wanting to figure it out and then let go of wanting to figure it out. Don't let it get further than your nose. And looking for the disapproval habit--disapproving of ourselves. It's a habit we all have--and let go of wanting to disapprove of ourselves. And feel the energy and allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And also reverse the habit of disapproving ourselves by giving ourselves approval-liking ourselves. If you will notice, the more you do it, the nicer it feels and you will notice where approval comes from. It comes from inside yourself, and yet everybody is busy looking for it outside themselves. So practice giving yourself approval.

Now we are going to move on further and take a look at our feelings on a deeper level. I am going to ask you to read the chart of emotions which follows. Please read the chart, starting with the list of emotions under each category: Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger, Pride, Courageousness, Acceptance and, finally, Peace. I want you to just sit and watch the feelings go by and notice that energy will get stirred up in your stomach or your chest. If it does, just allow it to pass through. Notice the flow of energy as you follow the chart. Lester called this the "AGFLAP" CHART: APATHY, GRIEF, FEAR, LUST, ANGER and PRIDE. Then we are going to move up to "CAP": COURAGE, ACCEPTANCE and PEACE.
Watch your energy as you move up the chart. Remember, these are just words--and watch how they affect you, if they do.



The above scale illustrates how our natural, inherent energy is diverted into the task of suppressing, and keeping suppressed, the feelings (past decisions – past programs).
Our mind, the computer, in turn uses that energy to direct us into the thinking and patterns of behavior which have been predetermined by those past decisions or programs.

  现在你已经读完整张表格了,也许你已经在读的时候感受到了自己体内的能量变化。如果有哪一类词语引起了你 的共鸣,再回去看一下那一块。垂下头,看那些词语是否激起了你的欲望,你的一股无用能量,你的抗拒和你的放不开。现在让那股能量上浮吧,允许它穿过你离去,释放更多,越多越好。你也许想再次查看那张表格了,在你阅读每种感受时,都请注意你的感受,从消极的AGFLAP开始,到积极的CAP结束。记住,在此期间保持释放的状态。
Now that you see how your mind works and how the emotions affect your energy, let's move on to the negative emotions, AGFLAP. Take them one by one, and you will see how each emotion affects your ability to discriminate; how it takes control over your "I" sense; and how you can help your "I" sense to start taking charge again. It is an exciting journey.
Now that you have read the entire chart, you probably noticed a shift in energy as you were reading. If there is any word category that resonated with you, look at that section again on the previous chart of emotions. Put your head down and see if it stirred up a want--an unwanted energy, a resistance, a clutching. Now just allow that energy to come up and allow it to move through. And more, and more. You might want to peruse this chart again and pay attention to your feelings as you read each category--AGFLAP: apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride--and then move to CAP. Remember, keep releasing as you work through the chart.
Leaving AGFLAP Behind and Moving Up To Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace

We are now going to move up to CAP energy: C-A-P = courageousness, acceptance and peace--and these trump AGFLAP every time. We will move up to the real awareness of high energy and allow this energy to knock out the lower energy, to eat it up and dissolve it. You may want to take a few minutes first to review the AGFLAP chart and see if an unwanted energy is stirred up or is still there when you read the words. Just notice the energy in your body and allow the energy to come up and allow it to pass through. So take some time now before moving on. You might have noticed that the first word under the acceptance category is "abundance!" I am going to show you how to move up into this energy and stay there and allow yourself to have an abundance of everything in life.
Now see if you feel lighter, having let go of this energy. It is amazing how words can affect us. Notice the energy behind these words. Little kids have an expression: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me." It is a nursery rhyme--and a good expression--but no one ever taught us how to accomplish this! For the first time, we are learning how to get to a place where nothing and nobody bothers us--a place of "imperturbability." Lester called imperturbability "the perfect place to be." Let us decide to make that our top goal for this course, OK?
If you look at the chart of emotions on pages 42-43, you will notice a word at the top of the chart: "imperturbability." That is the place where nothing and no one can ever bother us. Again, it's a place where you feel like you can have it all--a place where there are no impossibilities.
The previous pages provide a more comprehensive description of apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride, courageousness, acceptance and peace, as well as help you to better understand these emotions and how to deal with them when they show up in life. Remember, keep releasing as you review these nine charts.
Read the following chart. Sta rt at the bottom of the Sca le of Actions, beginning with Apathy. Then move up the chart from the bottom to the top and notice the energy flow. Remember to keep releas ing.


You will notice there is a line above "Pride" and anything from "Pride" down on the AGFLAP chart is an "I WON'T," "I CAN'T" feeling. Pride is a very strong energy and we will be examining it further as we get into this course because pride stops us from having abundance. It is a big, strong, negative energy. It sounds like "I won't," but underneath it is really a strong "I can't," which is covered up with "I won't." Can you do it? No, I don't want to do it. Can you do it? I don't wanna do it. Pride is a hiding place, and most people stuck in it do not know that the pride energy is really what stops one from moving up into courageousness, acceptance and peace. Now read, COURAGEOUSNESS again. This is the first move upward to "I CAN." People who hang out in courageousness are the doers of the world. Now read ACCEPTANCE. Then read PEACE.
Take a few minutes and just take a look at the scale of action chart and place yourself on the chart--see where your home base is. It is important to do this because using this chart will show you that you can move up the chart just by letting go. The more you prove this to yourself, the more you will use this to motivate yourself to release more. Every time you let go, you find yourself moving up and up. Ask yourself: Is your home base in apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger or pride? Or is it in courageousness, acceptance and peace? Do not judge yourself-- don't make yourself wrong. It's not good, it's not bad. You just need to find out where you are so you know that you are moving upward as you begin to release. If we know that we are moving, we are encouraged to use this technique more and more. Every time you let go, you will discover that you move up. Each time you let go, you will feel lighter and lighter and happier and happier.
Notice there is a gray pyramid shape on the Scale of Action. The shading grows lighter toward the top. This illustrates how these emotions, suppressed over the years, are stacked in tighter and tighter as you reach the bottom of the chart. There are layers of feelings suppressed and covered up--one on top of the other. Every time we stuffed an anger, every time we stuffed a feeling of grief, every time we stuffed some AGFLAP, the energy got suppressed and is now stuck in our memory banks. As we start un-suppressing by releasing, this energy starts coming up because it is not supposed to be there and it wants to expend itself. It is important to be vigilant and allow this energy to come up and out. Don't judge it. It's not good, it's not bad--it's just coming up so it can leave. Remember every feeling wants to leave and we are actually holding them in. This is very important. Be Vigilant of it. It is akin to a Kleenex box. When you take one tissue out, the next tissue comes up automatically. You take another one out and the next tissue comes up. And if you keep emptying out the box, eventually the box will be empty. It is the same with these suppressed emotions. Keep letting them go and eventually you will empty yourself of these disturbing emotions, and you will be home in a place called "imperturbability," where there are no more feelings that bother you anymore. As you release, one feeling will come up and the next feelings will come up. It might be joy, it might be followed by grief, it might be followed by anger. Just let them come up and allow them to pass through. If you get into the habit of not judging your feelings and see all feelings as simply phenomenon, you will discover they will just pass through with ease. Remember: feelings are not good, they are not bad--they are just passing through.
So let us do a little cleanup before we move on. Close your eyes or put your hand on your feeling center, your stomach or chest, and notice if you have an unwanted energy stirred up about what we just discussed. Could you allow that unwanted energy to come up and allow it to pass through? It's in your stomach or your chest. Disengage your head and allow that energy to come up and pass through. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just passing through. And more. And even more. Now see if there's some more unwanted energy that's stirred up. Could you allow it to come up and allow it to pass through? And more. And even more.

Now see if you are trying to figure something out. Could you let go of wanting to figure it out? And more. And more. And even more. And could you let go of wanting to know what to do about it? And more. And even more. And could you let go of wanting to know what the answers are? You'd might as well. You don't have the answer right now, anyway. And more. And more. You'd might as well let go and have answers by letting go of lacking. And more. And more. And notice if you've been disapproving of yourself. Could you allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through? It's not good, it's not bad, it's just passing through. And more. And more. And even more. And could you give yourself some approval? Just for the heck of it? No reason necessary. And could you give yourself some more approval? And more. And even more. And even more. Notice how you feel right now. Notice if you feel more positive or less positive. You must prove to yourself that the more you release the more you prove to yourself that every time you let go you will get lighter and lighter and clearer and clearer. You will begin to move into courageousness and be able to move on; confront some of these other feelings that are long-term habits which seem to be difficult to let go. However, if you let go of clutching and let go of resisting, you will discover they are JUST FEELINGS. These feelings have been stopping us from having everything we want. And they are just feelings! Just play around with that and you will discover that's all it is. It's just energy and just allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just phenomena passing through.
So, as we move on, we will be getting rid of wants (lacking feelings) and desires that actually have been subconsciously stopping us from having abundance.
发表于 2013-2-6 20:06:47 | 显示全部楼层
真是辛苦你了 谢谢哦
发表于 2013-2-6 21:15:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 09:28:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-7 13:26:22 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-7 19:49:32 | 显示全部楼层
第九章 引发感受的根本原因
“我们本是无限的存在,却被头脑里的种种观念所限制。所以,不要再作为受限制的躯体和头脑活下去了,你 不是这个样子的。去成为你应该成为的样子吧,一个无限的、完全自由的、重要的、丰富的存在,完整无缺。”
We are unlimited beings limited only by the concepts of limitation we hold in our mind. So stop being what you are not, a limited body and mind, and just be what you are--an infinite, totally free, grand and flowing being, whole and complete.
--Lester Levenson
Let us examine the root cause of all feelings. How did the sensation of feelings get started and why are they running us and making us reactive? Here is how it begins: some incident occurs in our life. It stirs up our wanting to be safe, a "lacking safety" feeling, and we become insecure. Something somebody says or does makes us insecure and it stirs up our wanting to be safe, wanting to be secure and our wanting to survive. What happens when we feel insecure is we try to control the other person which stirs up our wanting to control. We have an out of control feeling. Therefore, we try to control the other person. If that does not work, we go to wanting approval, wanting to be loved. We try to be nice so people will not harm us, disturb us, or make us feel insecure. When we get insecure, we start to AGFLAP the other person--we pullout the tools of AGFLAP. We use apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger and pride against them.
As we hold on to all of our apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger and pride, these feelings actually cloud our picture of the world. It affects our thinking and clarity, causing us to see everything from a negative point of view. You have seen people who are angry--everything that happens in their lives is coming from an angry point of view. You have seen people who are in grief--everything that is happening to them is from a victim, "poor me," "boo hoo hoo" point of view. That affects the picture of your world because you are what you think you are. Let go of this picture and your world will change.
So we are going to practice letting go of wanting (lacking) approval, wanting control and wanting to be safe and secure.
What are some of the ways we try to seek approval? We try to be nice, we smile, we try to seem smart, we get a big job, a new car, a new suit, we dress sexily, act helpless--the list goes on. Think of some ways you try seeking approval. You might want to write them down on the following chart and examine them.
Now what are some of the ways we seek control? We scream and yell, we put our nose up in the air. We don't talk to people, we walk to the other side of the street, we embarrass them, we ignore them, we make them feel guilty, we hire a lawyer, we call the police and so on. Think of ways that you try to seek control. You might want to write them down on the following chart and examine them.
Now let's take a look at the ways you seek security, safety and survival. What do you do? You listen to your fears so you can be safe. You dare not fly high; you keep yourself down. You procrastinate and avoid making decisions. You act smart, you get to be powerful, you accumulate a lot of money, you buy a big house, and so on. So look at some of the ways you seek security, safety and survival. You have obsessive behavior like a myriad of doctor visits, taking numerous vitamins and other pills just to be safe. These are some of the things that stir your wanting to be safe (lacking safety).
Think of some of the ways you try to seek security, safety and survival. You might want to write them down on the following chart and examine them.
In order to properly learn the Release Technique it is important that you see everything in life as a feeling of either WANTING APPROVAL, WANTING CONTROL or WANTING TO BE SAFE.
Think of something that bothers you in your life. Maybe it's a person. Does that stir up a feeling of wanting approval, control or safety? Whichever want that it stirs up, could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? Could you just let it go? Would you let it go if you could? And when would you let it go? Take a check and see how you feel about it now. Do not stop until you feel completely calm. Think of something that stirs up your wanting approval. Could you let go of wanting approval? Would you let go of wanting approval? When?
Take a check and see if you still want approval (and since "wanting" approval is a "lacking" feeling, you're lacking approval). Could you let that go? Would you let that go? And when?
Remember, these feelings are just feelings. Take a pencil or an object you have handy and clench it in your fist. Stretch your arm and hold on to the object real tight. And make your fist tighter--tighter--tighter--and even tighter. Now open up your hand and just let it go. Notice how easy it was. Notice there was no clutching after you let it go. Your hand just relaxed. And the more you held on to the object and the more you clutched, the tighter your hand got. This is exactly what we are doing with feelings. We are holding on to them. So when you let go of wanting approval, you are actually letting go of the lack feeling. Just let go of the lacking feeling the way you let go of the object in your hand. It's simple: You just let it go.
Now let us look at something you want to control--something you want to change. Could you let go of wanting to change it? Could you let go of wanting control--the lack of control? Would you let it go? Could you let it go? And when? Check and see if you feel lighter. And bring up some more wanting (lacking) control. Would you let it go if you could? When? See if this brings up a wanting control in your stomach or chest area--a clutching, an unwanted energy. Could you just let go of wanting to control? Think of something you want to control. Would you let it go if you could? Could you let it go? When? Just let it go. Just drop it. And more. And more. If you are having difficulty with it, you can put your head down. Feel the unwanted energy in your stomach or chest and just allow it to leave. Remember: Do not judge the feelings. They're not good, they're not bad, they're just passing through.

※     觉察这种感觉
※     感受这种感觉
※     认清这种感觉
※     在这种感觉中放松
※     释放这种感觉
Releasing Questions
Choose an incident from your past about which you still have some feelings.
What is your current feeling about the incident?
Does that bring up a Wanting (lacking) Approval? A Wanting (lacking) Control? or a Wanting (lacking) to be safe or secure?
Could you let it go?
Would you let it go?
Now: Focus on the situation again and notice how you feel. Is there more of that feeling left, or is there a different feeling?
Could you let it go?
Would you let it go?
Continue the process:
Could you?--Would you?--When?
Continue the process until you are completely calm about the incident.
Think of something that stirs up the wanting to be safe and secure. A situation, a person. That lacking feeling it stirs up in you. Could you let go of that wanting to be safe and secure? Could you? Would you let it go? When? And now keep doing that until you feel calm about the situation.
The Easy Way To Release
Assignment: I would like you to spend the next few hours looking for the wanting approval, wanting control and wanting to be safe. See everything that's happening to you. Everything that people are doing as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe. Look for it. Be vigilant! If you can't figure out whether it's wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe, just let go of the contraction or unwanted energy in your stomach or chest, and allow it to leave. It's a wonderful way of looking at life and you'll notice that you will feel lighter and lighter and you will be moving closer and closer toward abundance and having everything you want in life. Please read the following chart called The Six Steps--this is the key to using The Release Technique to maximum degree!! I suggest you photocopy this sheet, you might want to reduce it and put it in your wallet or purse or tape it on your computer, or your mirror at home. It will remind you to release. Using this chart will take you all the way to imperturbability or freedom.
1、  你一定要非常想要波澜不惊的平静,让这种想要超越自己对于被认同、控制以及安全感的欲望。
2、  相信你能应用释放法达到波澜不惊的状态。
3、  把你所有的感受都归类到三大欲望(想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全)之下,在此期间随时将那三种“想要”释放掉。
4、  坚持做释放,经常做释放。
5、  即使你遇到瓶颈了,也要释放掉想要控制瓶颈的欲望。
6、  每次你做完释放都会变得更开心,如果你持续做释放,就会越来越开心的。
1. You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security.
2. Decide you can do the Method and be imperturbable.
3. See all your feelings culminate in three wants-the want of approval, control and security/survival. See that immediately and immediately let go of the want of approval, want to control and the want of security/survival.
4. Make releasing constant.
5. If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control the stuckness.
6. Each time you release you are happier and lighter. If you release continually, you will be continually happier and lighter.

发表于 2013-2-7 20:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
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