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[资料方法] [翻译(附原文)]丰盛之书 更新中…7月2日校对完毕,上传pdf电子书。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-12 17:48:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 KellyWhite 于 2013-2-12 18:46 编辑


第十章  经济上的丰盛--对金钱的贪爱与憎恶
"When we know that we have everything and therefore need nothing, then everything comes to us for the mere effortless thought of it. "--Lester Levenson

According to Lester, the basic mechanism of desire is, first, we create a lack and then desire whatever is necessary to fill that lack. The desire creates thoughts. The thoughts cover the Self and this makes us unhappy. Then we look to relieve that unhappiness by fulfilling the desire which momentarily stills the thoughts. The stilling of thoughts removes a bit of the cover of the Self and it's feeling of a bit more of the Self that we call pleasure. We wrongly attribute that joy or pleasure to the thing or person that was used to fulfill the desire to relieve the agony of the thoughts of desire that were covering the Self. Because of this wrong attributing of the joy to the person or thing, the desire will never be satiated because the joy is not in the person or thing. The only possibility of satiety is to remain in your Self.
To go even deeper into releasing we will now introduce the element of ATTACHMENT and AVERSION. Attachments and aversions are two opposite forces which often run our lives. An attachment is a clinging desire to have and/or to hold on to something or someone. An aversion is a repulsion of, or an exreme desire to keep away from, something or someone.
Examples of attachments:
I'm attached to my mate.
I'd be lost if my lover left me--they give meaning to my life.
I'm attached to my station in life.
I like the respect that I get when people know how successful I am.
I'm attached to my title.
I love that people refer to me as Doctor (or substitute any title).
It gives me preferential treatment, everywhere I go.
I'm attached to my books.
I like being considered handsome.
I'd simply die if I became fat (lost my looks, my hair, looked old).
Examples of aversions:
I have an aversion to bad manners.
I hate rude people.
When people talk in a foul manner, I get very angry.
I have an aversion to 'cold call sales calls.'
It's really hard for me to fake being warm and friendly to people I don't know.

Here again the desires keep things away from us subconsciously. Doing the Attachment and Aversion exercise brings up the subconscious feelings which show up in the form of "clutching" or "resistance". When we release these subconscious desires we can discriminate why we are doing destructive things to ourselves (subconsciously) and get rid of them easily. So we can be clear on what is holding us back, and get rid of what is holding us back in any area.
This exercise can be done on any subject, but for the first exercise we will start with ATTACHMENT AND AVERSION TO MONEY--THE WAY TO LET GO AND HAVE IT.

This is an important subject not only because it has such an important effect on our lives, but because just the subject itself stirs up our inner feelings, thoughts and attitudes about it. To the mind that is holding many limitations, negative thoughts, negative feelings and belief systems, money is a "problem." It is a source of endless worry and anxiety, hopelessness and despair or, ultimately, of vanity, pride, arrogance, intolerance of others, jealousy and envy. At its worst, the end result of all the negativity is poverty and a constant feeling of lack. Because of fear and limitations, the feeling of "I can't" is often avoided simply by avoiding the whole issue of money and accepting as inevitable a low socioeconomic status. The unconscious thoughts bring to us what we think we deserve. If our views of ourselves is small, limited and miserly (due to accumulated guilt), then the unconscious will bring those economic conditions into our lives. Our attitudes about money come up as we look at the many things that it means to different individuals (and to all of us, to some extent)--the degree to which it stands for security, power, glamour, sexual attraction, successful competition, self-worth, as well as our value to others in the world.
It is very useful to sit down with pencil and paper at this point. Under the heading "money," begin to delineate what its real meanings are in all the various avenues of life. Then begin to note the feelings that are associated with each area and begin to release on these negative feelings and attitudes. As we do this, we come up with our own answers about it.
Without being conscious of what money means to you emotionally, you are the effect of money. You are being run by money and all of its associated programs. It is like the millionaire who keeps piling up more and more millions. There never seems to be enough. Why is that? It is because he has never stopped to look at and find out what money really means to him. The person who obsessively chases money is doing so because his inner self-worth is so small that it takes a huge amount of money to compensate for it. The inner insecurity is so extensive that no amount of money can overcome it. It might be said that the smaller a person feels inside, the greater amount of power, money and glamour they must accumulate in order to try to compensate for it.
In the released state, money merely becomes a tool to achieve one's goals in the world because there is not that inner smallness, insecurity and low selfesteem. The person has the inner security of knowing there will always be sufficient abundance. They will always get what they need when they need it because there is an inner feeling of completion, fulfillment and satisfaction. In effect, money becomes a source of pleasure rather than a source of anxiety. A very released person has a different attitude about money. When they need it to complete a project, it just magically seems to appear from somewhere. They have no attachments or aversions to it because it no longer runs them. Because they are in a positive direction, money comes to them easily--without effort. Once you have the formula for gold, you do not need to carry a bag of it on your back with all of its attendant worries and anxieties. It is very common for graduates of The Release Technique to suddenly come into abundance.
Now we are going to look at our attachment to money. The first thing we do is let our minds run, just let a stream of consciousness flow. When you think about your attachment to money, see what is the first feeling or thought that comes up. Whatever it is, could you see that feeling or thought as wanting (lacking) approval, wanting (lacking) control or wanting (lacking) to be safe? Could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? It is just an unwanted energy that gets stirred up in your stomach or your chest area. Just let it pass through. And look at the subject again: attachment to money. See if it brings up a feeling--a wanting of approval, control or safety. Could you let go of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? Remember we are not letting go of control, approval or safety, but only letting go of the lacking feelings. Now let's take a third look at your attachment to money. You want more, you haven't got enough, things like that. Whatever thoughts or feelings come up: perhaps "Other people have it, but I do not have enough", "Why do they have it and I do not?", or "No matter what I do, I cannot get it". See each feeling as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and let go of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe. Keep letting your mind flow until you completely run out of ideas about money to release on.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to have money?
What disadvantage is it to me to have money?
1、      想象你永远都挣不到钱。(这一想法会在你胸腹之间引起某种感受,无论是放不开还是抗拒,都要释放掉。保持释放,直到胸腹之间没有更多的感受。)
2、      我能够把我对金钱所有的贪爱都释放掉吗?(保持释放,直到你能百分之百地保证放不开或者抗拒都不见了。)
1. Imagine never, ever being able to have money. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to money? (Keep letting go until you can say yes 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
Now let us examine more of our subconscious mind. By probing deeper, we begin to see things clearer and we start to discriminate about what we are doing and why we are doing it. Then we stop doing it automatically and, finally, we can let it go. It is easy.
So, what advantage is it for you to have money? Write one down under the "Advantage" column. Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, control or safety? And whichever want it brings up, could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting safety or security? And more. And more.
And what disadvantage is it for you to have money? Make something up--name something stupid, such as "People will bother me," "1'11 have to pay a lot of taxes," or "People won't love me for my true self." Whatever thought or feeling that it brings up, can you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And whichever want it is, could you just let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure?
Take a look at another advantage of having money that you might have. Whatever feeling it brings up, could you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting safety and security? And whichever want it brings up, could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? And now let's look at another disadvantage of having money. Give me one, make something up. Whatever it is, could you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And whichever want it is, could you just let it go? Look at another advantage of having money. Whichever want that brings up, could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? Could you again let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure?
Next we will look at a disadvantage of having money. Make something up. Maybe you think you do not deserve it, maybe you are guilty, whatever. Could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? And let's look at another advantage of having money. Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? And whichever want that brings up, could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure?
And now let us look at a disadvantage of having money. Whatever comes up, could you see it as a feeling of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? And whichever it is, could you just allow that feeling of wanting approval, control or safety and security to leave?
Sometimes we have the answer "none." If that comes up, you can ask yourself, is THAT wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then let THAT go? We often block our subconscious thoughts. Sometimes we even make ourselves numb in order to suppress the feelings and thoughts we do not want to acknowledge. We push them into our subconscious, but they are still in our minds and operating on a subliminal level. This may explain why you are not getting the abundance you think you deserve. Keep digging more into your subconscious mind, making you conscious of the feelings or thoughts you suppressed so you can now release them. This way they will stop operating and your situation will turn around.
The mind is like an oven. If you put a shoe into an oven and turn it on, the oven will bake the shoe. It really does not care what it bakes. The mind is like that oven: Put a thought in the mind and the mind will bake it, regardless of what it is. We put negative thoughts in our mind and they will stay there until we take them out--GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. If you are experiencing a numbing feeling, see THAT as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure. Put your head down and let go of resisting that feeling. That, too, is just a feeling, so just allow it to pass through. We can unblock what is stopping, hiding in our subconscious thoughts. All we have to do is just make ourselves conscious of them and pull them out. That is what we are doing now. So one more: What advantage is it to have money?
Can you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? Whichever want this brings up, could you just let go of either wanting approval, control or safety and security? And one more disadvantage of having money? Whatever want that comes up, could you let go of wanting approval, control or safety and security?
Now, can you imagine never, ever, ever having money again? This brings up a lot of energy in our subconscious mind--and that energy is resistance. (Resistance effectively locks the energy of thoughts or programs in the mind-the very ones we want out!) So I am asking what I call the "squeezing the lemon" questions. I will be asking them often to bring up this energy in our body so we can allow it to pass through. You will notice you will probably be clutching, resisting or just having a very uncomfortable feeling when you ask yourself that question. Just let that feeling come up and get rid of it. By ridding yourself of unwanted emotional feelings and thoughts, you will be moving closer and closer to opening your energy to allow the flow of abundance to come to you.
So, let us ask the question again and see if we have any more subconscious negative energy hidden away in our subconscious mind. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to have money again. Just put your head down and notice if there is an unwanted energy there. Let go of resisting and clutching and allow this energy to pass through. It wants to leave. It is not good, it is not bad, it is just energy--phenomena--passing through.
Again, let us ask the question: IMAGINE NEVER, EVER, EVER BEING ABLE TO HAVE MONEY AGAIN. YOU CANNOT HAVE IT IF YOU WANTED IT. Notice it brings up a lot of clutching, a lot of unwanted energy. Just allow that energy to come up and pass through. And more. And even more and more. Ask yourself the "squeezing the lemon" question one more time: IMAGINE NEVER, EVER, EVER BEING ABLE TO HAVE MONEY AGAIN. YOU CANNOT HAVE IT IF YOU WANTED IT. Notice it brings up a lot of unwanted energy, but it's getting lighter. And just allow that energy to pass through. And more. And more.
Ask yourself that question until you absolutely have no more feelings about that subject. Do this until the negative energy is completely gone. Then, as a check, ask yourself, "Could I let go of my entire attachment to money?" If that still brings up a clutching, a wanting, a desire, just let it come up, let go of holding on to it and allow the energy to pass through. It's just energy. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just a phenomenon passing through. Could you let go of your entire attachment to money? Could you allow it to come up and allow it to pass through? And more. And more. Continue releasing until you can say "yes" without any clutching, without any resistance. That is opening up the flow to further abundance and completely ridding yourself of this subconscious sabotage in the form of feelings and thoughts. Notice that you feel very light about the subject of money. That light feeling is the positive energy that you have been blocking in you with these negative feelings that you have been trying to avoid--you kept them because you did not have a better way out.
We will now begin to explore aversions to money. An aversion is a desire to get away. "Get that thing away from me." Why would we do something destructive to ourselves consciously? We would not, but it is your subconscious at work here. How do you know this is running? If you do not have enough money, you have a subconscious aversion to money.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and seewhat you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting tobe safe or secure and then release the want.)
What do I like about money?
What do I dislike about money?
1、      想象你永远都不缺钱。(将这想法在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓感或抗拒感释放掉,重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
2、      我能够把所有自己对金钱的憎恶放下吗?(一直放,一直放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百的肯定答复。)
1. Imagine always having money. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to money? (Keep letting go until you can say yes 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
So when you think of the subject of an aversion to money, what feeling or thought does that bring up? Write those feelings under the stream of consciousness section on the diagram. And whichever feeling or thought that comes up, can you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? And whichever want that it brings up, could you just let it pass through? And more. And more. If this leads you into wanting to figure it out, could you let go of wanting to figure it out? And more. And more. Look at your aversion to money again. Maybe what comes up is "I do not deserve it," "I'm not a good enough person" or "I do not have the right job". Whatever comes up, could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And could you let go of those wants? And more. And even more. Keep bringing up thoughts and feelings about the aversion to money until you have no more and then move on.
We will now ask some questions that are similar to advantages and disadvantages, but the mind is tricky. Therefore, we have discovered that by asking a question a little differently, it might bring up something different. If it brings up the same thing, that means you have not totally released on it. So then just release on it from that point of view.
So what do you like about money? Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? And whichever want that it brings up in you, could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure? And what do you dislike about money? Is that a feeling of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting safety and security? Remember that is also just an unwanted energy. Just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through.
What do you like about money? Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, control, or safety and security? And whichever want that it brings up, could you just allow it to leave? And more. And even more. And what do you dislike about money? Is that a feeling of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting safety or security? And whichever want that it brings up, could you just let go of either wanting approval, control, safety or security? And more. And even more. Keep going back and forth until you have no more likes or dislikes about money. Then move on.
Let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question with regard to your aversion to money. Imagine always having money. You're loaded with it. See if that brings up a clutching, a resistance, an unwanted feeling in your stomach or your chest area and just allow it to come up and pass through. You might be surprised that you have a lot of resistance to having money; don't try to understand it. Just let go of that energy. And more. And even more. Again, let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question. Imagine always having money. You're loaded with it. No matter what happens, you've got it. You can't get away from it. See if that brings up an unwanted energy, a strange feeling, resistance--a clutching feeling in your stomach or chest area. Could you allow that energy to come up? It's the subconscious thoughts and feelings that are stopping you from having abundance. Allow it to come up and just pass through. It's not good, it's not bad--it's just phenomenon. Remember that we don't have to figure out a splinter. If you notice it's there, what's the difference how it got there, what color it is, how big it is or who gave it to you? Just take a tweezer and pull it out. And that's what we're doing. Just allow that energy to leave, to pass through. Don't try to make sense out of subconscious negative thoughts and feelings.
Now let's "squeeze the lemon" again. Imagine always, always having money. You're loaded with it. You can't get away from it. And you know what to do: release any resistance or clutching energy.
发表于 2013-2-12 21:43:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-13 13:11:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-13 16:40:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 KellyWhite 于 2013-2-13 16:44 编辑

第十一章  贪爱与憎恶
The only thing that disturbs peace is desire.--Lester Levenson
How to Do Attachments and Aversions on any Subject--Getting Rid of Your Subconscious Sabotaging Thoughts and Feelings
Maybe you have a habit, something you'd like to stop. Maybe there is a person that agitates you. Or a job situation that disturbs you. What follows are two sets of blank attachment and aversion sheets which you may want to make copies of for easy usage, keeping a blank set preserved for future occasions. So pick a subject that you want to work on. We are going to analyze our attachment and aversions to this subject. And when you're ready, let's begin, by reviewing the chart on the next page.

Attachments & Aversions

Here again the desires keep things away from us subconsciously. Doing attachments and aversions brings up the subconscious fee lings which show up in the form of "clutching" or resistance. When we release th ese subconscious desires, we can discriminate why we are doing destructive things to ourselves (subconsciously) and get rid of them easily, so we can be clear on what's holding us back and get rid of what's holding us back in any areas.

1、    写下自己对某人事物的贪爱。
2、    写下自己关于这贪爱的意识流动(就是让你的思维围绕这个自由活动)。
3、    无论哪种欲望被激发了,释放它。
4、    写下它给自己带来的好处与坏处。
5、    想象自己永远都不能拥有这个东西了,然后把这一想法激起的感受释放掉。
6、    问问自己:“我能否将自己对____的贪爱放下?”
7、    然后问自己“榨柠檬”的问题:想象你永远永远都得不到____了。保持释放,直到你对此百分之百淡定了。
8、    现在问问自己,“我能否将自己对_____的所有贪爱都释放掉?”重复问自己这个问题,直到你能够毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个肯定的答复。

1、    写下自己对某人事物的憎恶。
3、    无论哪种欲望被激发了,释放它。
4、    写下自己喜欢它哪一点、讨厌它哪一点。
5、    想象自己永远都不能拥有这个东西了,然后把这一想法激起的感受释放掉。
6、    问问自己:“我能否将自己对____的憎恶放下?”
7、    然后问自己“榨柠檬”的问题:想象你永远都拥有____,你永远都摆脱不了_____。保持释放,直到你对此百分之百淡定了。
8、    现在问问自己,“我能否将自己对_____的所有憎恶都释放掉?”重复问自己这个问题,直到你能够给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。



Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What do I I ike about _____?
What do I dislike about _____?
1、      想象你永远都_____。(在空白处填上那种贪爱,将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
2、      我能否将自己对_____所有的贪爱都释放掉?(在空白处填上那种贪爱,持续释放,直到你能够毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答案。)
1. Imagine always _____. (Put the attachment in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to _____? (Put the attachment in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say yes 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
On the sheet provided, write the subject you're working on next to "attachment to--" at the top of the page. Then do a stream of consciousness to that attachment. Keep releasing until you have no more feelings on that subject. Now let's move down the page to the "advantage" and "disadvantage" columns.
In the space provided, describe what the advantage is to you for being in or experiencing your situation. Hereafter, I'll just guide you by saying: "What advantage is it to you to have [blank]?" and you'll know to complete the phrase with your releasing topic.
Can you see what you wrote as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And whichever want it stirs up, could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And what disadvantage is it to you to have __ ? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a desire to be safe? Whichever want it stirs up, could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe?
And what's another advantage to having ___ ? Does that bring up wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And whichever want that brings up, could you let it go? And what's a disadvantage of having __ ? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? And which ever want gets stirred up, could you let it go? And what's another advantage of having ____? Could you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe?
And what's a disadvantage to you being/experiencing ___? Could you see that as a wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And what's another advantage to ___? And could you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And what's another disadvantage to ____? And could you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let it go?
And now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question: Imagine never, ever, ever being able to ____. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to ____ . If that brings up a resistance, put your head down and allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to ____ and just allow that energy to come up and just allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad--it's just phenomenon passing through. And one more time: Imagine never, ever, ever being able to ____ . Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? And which ever want it brings up, could you allow it to come up and could you let it go? Keep releasing until you have no more energy, clutching or resistance left in your stomach or chest areas. Now let's move on to the final question to see if there is any more energy left: Could you let go of your entire attachment to ____ ?
If there's any resistance or clutching to saying yes, allow that energy to come up, put your head down and allow that energy to come up and pass through. And more, and more.
Could you let go of your entire attachment to ___ ? Just allow that energy to pass through.
And now let's do an aversion to the exact subject you have previously released on in the attachment area. Remember, in order to rid yourself of the entire problem, you MUST release on BOTH sides in order for the problem, habit or situation to be entirely gone from your consciousness.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What do I like about ____?
What do I dislike about ____?
1、      想象你永远_____。(在空白处填上一类你的憎恶,同时将它在你胸腹之间引起的紧抓感或抗拒感释放掉。重复释放,直到胸腹之间没有任何感觉留下。)
2、      我能否把自己对_____所有的憎恶都放下呢?(在空白处填上一类你的憎恶。重复释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)
1. Imagine always ____. (Put the aversion in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to ____? (put the aversion in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say yes 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
What do you like about ___ ? Does that bring up wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And what don't you like about ___ ? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? And what do you like about ___ ? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control, or a wanting to be safe? And could you let go of whatever want that gets stirred up? And what don't you like about ___ ? Whichever want gets stirred up, could you let it go? And one more: What do you like about ___ ? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? And whichever want that has been stirred up, could you let it go? And what don't you like about ? Could you let it go, whichever want gets stirred up?
Keep going back and forth and releasing until you have no more advantages or disadvantages on that subject you are working on. Now, let's ask the "squeeze the lemon" question regarding the EXACT subject--Imagine always having ___ . Put your head down and see if that brings up an unwanted energy, a resistance. Just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Imagine always having ___ . Put your head down. See if you're rejecting or resisting and allow that energy to come up and pass through. And could you let go of your entire aversion to ___? Just allow that to come up and allow it to pass through. Any resistance to saying yes? Put your head down, just let the energy come up and allow it to pass through. And one more: Could you let go of your entire aversion to ___ ? Any resistance to saying yes? Let it come up and just allow it to pass through. Keep releasing until you have no more resistance to saying, "Yes, I can let go of my entire aversion to ____."
Now I suggest you work on something on your own--a person, thing, situation, a smoking habit, eating habit, money issues--any kind of situation, any person that you can describe on the attachments and aversions pages. (Use the blank sheets in this book or make photocopies so you can have unlimited sets of attachments and aversions to use any time you want them. Many people simply write the chart on a plain piece of paper and release that way. It's a short chart and easy to do, too!) The more you perform this task, the more you will see how it helps you discriminate, to see things clearly and help you take yourself off "automatic."
See if that brings up any energy in your stomach or your chest area. Tilt your head down and allow that energy to pass through. Or put your hand on your stomach or your chest area and allow that to pass through. And more. And even more.
Imagine always having ; you're loaded with it. You can't get away from it. Whichever energy that brings up, could you just allow it to pass through? And more? And even more? Just let go of resisting it. It's just an energy.
And now let's ask the final question: Can I let go of my entire aversion to ____ and release until I am 100% free.
Stream of Consciousness::
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to ____?
What disadvantage is it to me to ____?
(Always put the same attachment in the blank space.)
1、      想象你永远都不能____。(在空白处填上那种贪爱,将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
2、      我能否将自己对____所有的贪爱都释放掉?(在空白处填上那种贪爱,持续释放,直到你能够毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答案。)
1. Imagine never, ever being able to ____. (Put the attachment in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to ____? (Put the attachment in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What do I like about ____?
What do I dislike about ____?
(Always put the same aversion in the blank space.)
1、      想象你永远_____________?(在空白处填上一类你的憎恶,同时将它在你胸腹之间引起的紧抓感或抗拒感释放掉。重复释放,直到胸腹之间没有任何感觉留下。)
2、      我能否把自己对____所有的憎恶都放下呢?(在空白处填上一类你的憎恶。重复释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)
1. Imagine always ____? (Put the aversion in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to ____? (put the aversion in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
Stream of Consciousness::
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to ____?
What disadvantage is it to me to ____?
(Always put the same attachment in the blank space.)
1  想象你永远都不能____。(在空白处填上那种贪爱,将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
2  我能否将自己对____所有的贪爱都释放掉?(在空白处填上那种贪爱,持续释放,直到你能够毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答案。)
1. Imagine never, ever being able to ____. (Put the attachment in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to ____? (Put the attachment in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What do I like about ____?
What do I dislike about ____?
(Always put the same aversion in the blank space.)
1  想象你永远_____________?(在空白处填上一类你的憎恶,同时将它在你胸腹之间引起的紧抓感或抗拒感释放掉。重复释放,直到胸腹之间没有任何感觉留下。)
2  我能否把自己对____所有的憎恶都放下呢?(在空白处填上一类你的憎恶。重复释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)
1. Imagine always ____? (Put the aversion in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to ____? (put the aversion in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)

发表于 2013-2-14 06:01:04 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-15 20:50:48 | 显示全部楼层
第十二章  释放自我否定
The moment the mind is right, the body is right.--Lester Levenson
We all seem to have a habit of beating ourselves up. Some people do it to motivate themselves, others do it to control themselves. We do it for a variety of reasons--all of them done without discrimination and without realizing that we are storing up huge amounts of negative energy in our bodies. We are also storing up self-defeating programs which stop us from having the good things in life. This is where the famous "I don't deserve it" comes from. It's extremely important to rid oneself of this debilitating habit. So let's begin!
Let's do an attachment to disapproving of yourself and an aversion to disapproving of yourself or "beating yourself up."
And now let's ask one more of the "squeezing the lemon" questions. What
we're doing is bringing up our subconscious mind, taking a look at our resistance,
our clutching, and letting it go.
Imagine disapproving of yourself all the time. You can't stop. You're going to continue this forever. Tilt your head down and notice it brings up an unwanted energy and just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Put your hand on your feeling center (your stomach or chest area) and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. One more time: Imagine disapproving of yourself forever. You can't stop. You're going to have to do it all the time. You're stuck with it. Allow that energy to come up in your stomach or chest area. Don't push it down. Allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Continue releasing until you have no more clutching in your feeling center.
And now, could you let go of your entire aversion to disapproving of yourself? Release anything that's stopping you from saying yes--a clutching, a resistance, an energy. Just allow that energy to come up and pass through. And more. And even more. And could you let go of your entire aversion to disapproving of yourself? Just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just energy. Just phenomenon. Now you keep doing it until you can say yes 100%, in which case that entire aversion is gone.
Now let's look at the attachment to disapproving of ourselves. If you keep disapproving of yourself, there must be some subconscious attachment to continuing this habit and some subconscious habit. So let's take a look at that by having you complete the attachment chart.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought of as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to disapprove of myself?
What disadvantage is it to me to disapprove of myself?
1、      想象你永远都不能不认同自己了。(将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
1. Imagine never, ever being able to disapprove of myself again. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to disapproving of myself? (Keep letting go until you can say yes 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to ____?
What disadvantage is it to me to ____?
(Always put the same attachment in the blank space.)
1、      想象你永远都不能______。(在空白处填上那种贪爱,将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
1. Imagine never, ever being able to ____ (Put the attachment in the blank space and let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to ____? (Put the attachment in the blank space and keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.
What advantage is it for you to disapprove of yourself? Make something up. Give me something silly. Could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And whichever want it brings up, could you just let it go? And more. And more.
And what disadvantages are there in you disapproving of yourself? Use your imagination and come up with something dumb or silly. Whatever it is, could you see it as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And whichever want it brings up, could you just let it go? And more. And more. And what's another advantage of disapproving of yourself? If the word none comes up, or I'm numb, see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure or whatever you came up with. And whichever want was stirred up, could you let it go? The want equals lack, so just let it go.
And what's another disadvantage of disapproving of yourself? Whichever want that gets stirred up, could you just let it go? Whether it's a want of approval, control or being safe and secure, could you just let it go? And more. And more. Continue with this until you have no more advantages or disadvantages that come up. Then move on.
And now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question on the attachment side. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to disapprove of yourself again. You lost that ability. If that brings up an unwanted energy a clutching, a resistance either put your hand on your stomach or chest OR put your head down. Just allow that energy, which wants to leave, to come up and pass through. And more. And more. Don't try to understand the energy. Just let it go. You may surprise yourself in realizing you had a subconscious attachment to beating yourself up. It shows up through the clutching sensation in your feeling center.
One more time: Imagine never, ever being able to disapprove of yourself again. You lost that ability. See if there's any resistance, any clutching, any choking. Just allow it to come up and just allow it to pass through. Remember, it's not good, it's not bad and it's just phenomena energy passing through from your stomach or your chest area. And more. And even more.
And could you let go of your entire attachment to disapproving of yourself (or beating yourself up)? Any resistance to saying yes or any difficulty in saying yes?
This is only a habit. Consciously, we wouldn't do anything to hurt ourselves, but when we push this energy into the subconscious mind, it runs until we take it of our mind, much like deleting a computer file. So let's begin pulling it up and letting it go.
Suggestion: If you have a stronger aversion to something, it's a good idea to work on aversion first. But if you have a stronger attachment to something, then work on that first. Work on whichever is easier for you to stop, then work on the other.
My experience has usually been that most people have an aversion to disapproving of themselves more than an attachment to it. They don't like the habit. They want to stop it. It's a desire to stop it. This is not necessarily so in every case, but it does occur in most instances. So let's start with an aversion to disapproving of yourself. Take out the chart on aversion to disapproving of yourself and complete it.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to disapprove of myself?
What disadvantage is it to me to disapprove of myself?
2、      我能否把自己对自我不认同的所有憎恶都放下呢?(重复释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)
1. Imagine disapproving of myself all the time. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could you let go of your entire aversion to disapproving of yourself? (Keep letting go until you can say yes 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
So what do you like about disapproving of yourself? Maybe that's the way you motivate yourself? Maybe you think it gets you going? Maybe you think you're lazy and you need that push to make things happen? So could you see whatever comes up as a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe and secure? And could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And could you let it go? And more.
And what don't you like about disapproving of yourself? And whatever comes up, could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe and secure? And could you let it go? And more. And even more.
Now what's something else you like about disapproving of yourself? Could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And could you either let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? It's just an energy in your stomach or your chest area. Let go of clutching and allow that energy to just pass through. And more. And even more. And what don't you like about disapproving of yourself? Whatever answer that you get, could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And whichever want is stirred up, could you just let go of that want? That lacking feeling? Allow it to pass through? And more. And more.
And one more: What do you like about disapproving of yourself? Make something up. Give me something silly. "It's a habit. It feels good, I'm used to it," whatever. Or if you come up with the ever-popular "none", see that as either wanting control or wanting to be safe. And just let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure.
And what don't you like about disapproving of yourself? Whichever want it brings up, could you just let go of that lacking feeling? Could you allow it to pass through? And more. And even more. Keep going from each side to the next until you have no more likes or dislikes on the subject. Remember not to make an intellectual list of likes and dislikes without releasing on each item.
Now we're going to ask the "squeezing the lemon" question: Imagine disapproving of yourself all the time; you can't stop. Tilt your head down and notice that there's an unwanted energy there--a clutching, a resistance. And just allow this energy--which wants to leave--to come up and allow it to pass through ... just like the oil wells in Kuwait. This energy wants to leave, so don't stop it...allow it to leave. It's just phenomenon. Just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more.
And now let's ask one more of the "squeezing the lemon" questions. What we're doing is bringing up our subconscious mind, taking a look at our resistance, our clutching, and letting it go.
Imagine disapproving of yourself all the time. You can't stop. You're going to continue this forever. Tilt your head down and notice it brings up an unwanted energy and just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Put your hand on your feeling center (your stomach or chest area) and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. One more time: Imagine disapproving of yourself forever. You can't stop. You're gonna have to do it all the time. You're stuck with it. Allow that energy to come up in your stomach or chest area. Don't push it down. Allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Continue releasing until you have no more clutching in your feeling center.
And now, could you let go of your entire aversion to disapproving of yourself? Release anything that's stopping you from saying "yes" --a clutching, a resistance, an energy. Just allow that energy to come up and pass through. And more. And even more. And could you let go of your entire aversion to disapproving of yourself? Just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just energy ... just phenomenon. Now you keep doing it until you can say "yes" 100%, in which case that entire aversion is gone.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought of as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to disapprove of myself?
What disadvantage is it to me to disapprove of myself?
1、      想象你永远都不能不认同自己了。(将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
1. Imagine never, ever being able to disapprove of myself again. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to disapproving of myself? (Keep letting go until you can say yes 100% with no clutching or resistance.)
What advantage is it for you to disapprove of yourself? Make something up. Give me something silly. Could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And whichever want it brings up, could you just let it go? And more. And more.
And what disadvantages are there in you disapproving of yourself? Use your imagination and come up with something dumb or silly. Whatever it is, could you see it as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and secure? And whichever want it brings up, could you just let it go? And more. And more. And what's another advantage of disapproving of yourself? If the word none comes up, or I'm numb, see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure or whatever you came up with. And whichever want was stirred up, could you let it go? The want equals lack, so just let it go.
And what's another disadvantage of disapproving of yourself? Whichever want that gets stirred up, could you just let it go? Whether it's a want of approval, control or being safe and secure, could you just let it go? And more. And more. Continue with this until you have no more advantages or disadvantages that come up. Then move on.
And now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question on the attachment side. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to disapprove of yourself again. You lost that ability. If that brings up an unwanted energy a clutching, a resistance either put your hand on your stomach or chest OR put your head down. Just allow that energy, which wants to leave, to come up and pass through. And more. And more. Don't try to understand the energy. Just let it go. You may surprise yourself in realizing you had a subconscious attachment to beating yourself up. It shows up through the clutching sensation in your feeling center.
One more time: Imagine never, ever being able to disapprove of yourself again. You lost that ability. See if there's any resistance, any clutching, any choking. Just allow it to come up and just allow it to pass through. Remember, it's not good, it's not bad and it's just phenomena energy passing through from your stomach or your chest area. And more. And even more.
And could you let go of your entire attachment to disapproving of yourself (or beating yourself up)? Any resistance to saying yes or any difficulty in saying yes?
This is only a habit. Consciously, we wouldn't do anything to hurt ourselves, but when we push this energy into the subconscious mind, it runs until we take it of our mind, much like deleting a computer file. So let's begin pulling it up and letting it go.
Suggestion: If you have a stronger aversion to something, it's a good idea to work on aversion first. But if you have a stronger attachment to something, then work on that first. Work on whichever is easier for you to stop, then work on the other.
My experience has usually been that most people have an aversion to disapproving of themselves more than an attachment to it. They don't like the habit. They want to stop it. It's a desire to stop it. This is not necessarily so in every case, but it does occur in most instances. So let's start with an aversion to disapproving of yourself. Take out the chart on aversion to disapproving of yourself and complete it.
Just get in touch with that energy, that clutching in your stomach or chest area, that resisting ... and just let that energy go. And more. And even more.
And now let's ask one more of the "squeezing the lemon" questions. What we are doing is bringing up our subconscious mind and taking a look at our resistance, our clutching, and letting it go.
Imagine disapproving of yourself all the time. You can't stop. You're gonna continue this forever. Tilt your head down and notice it brings up an unwanted energy and just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Put your hand on your feeling center (your stomach or chest area) and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. One more time: Imagine disapproving of yourself forever. You can't stop. You're going to have to do it all the time. You're stuck with it. Allow that energy to come up in your stomach or chest area. Don't push it down. Allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Continue releasing until you have no more clutching in your feeling center.
And now: could you let go of your entire aversion to disapproving of yourself? Release anything that's stopping you from saying "yes" --a clutching, a resistance, an energy. Just allow that energy to come up and pass through. And more. And even more. And could you let go of your entire aversion to disapproving of yourself? Just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just energy ... just phenomenon. Now you keep doing it until you can say "yes" 100%, in which case that entire aversion is gone.
Continue working on this on the "Attachment to Disapproving Yourself" and the "Aversion to Disapproving of Yourself" worksheets. You may want to work on this more deeply, or you may have cleaned it up. If this is the case, then fine. With no attachments and no aversions, you fall right into imperturbability. You are on your way to having abundance of everything.
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