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楼主: KellyWhite

[资料方法] [翻译(附原文)]丰盛之书 更新中…7月2日校对完毕,上传pdf电子书。

发表于 2013-2-15 20:58:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-15 21:14:03 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-16 18:52:23 | 显示全部楼层
第十三章  运用释放法来促进身体健康
"Desire is the cause of everything. Any time you have any problem, there's desire behind it."
--Lester Levenson
We have already touched upon important areas relating to your overall well-being, but now we will focus more on inner emotional stress that cause illnesses--or what is commonly known as "stress." The purpose of health andwealth, after all, is merely because we presume (and to some extent it is true)that they result in happiness. Happiness can be experienced directly, however, and on this level it is totally independent of health or wealth.
Let us take the situation of the average person and look at it objectively. To begin with, whatever happiness he or she thinks they have is extremely vulnerable. A chance remark, a critical comment, a lifted eyebrow, a car cutting into line ahead--all these are sufficient to blow the average person's happiness in an instant. The threat of a job loss, a feeling of threat to a relationship, a negative remark from a doctor, an impertinent cab driver--all are sufficient to blow most people's cool. Every time we suppress this energy (which is smaller than a photon particle), this negative energy stores up over the years and begins to press against the organs of the body, causing it to malfunction. As a result of negative feelings, thoughts and attitudes, as well as constant judgment and criticism of other people, the average person stores up this stress energy without realizing it. This energy causes the body to malfunction. Releasing this energy allows the body to heal itself, sometimes within moments.
Graduates of "The Abundance Course" report to us that they have released and cured allergies, asthma, arthritis, heart problems, back pain, limb pain, cancer, common colds, flu, hepatitis, epilepsy, AIDS, brain damage and more. When our body hurts, we all start to figure out how to get rid of this "dis-ease." By figuring it out, we unconsciously hold onto the very thing we are looking to get rid of. We keep trying different cures, practitioners, pills and modalities without much improvement. That is because we need to get rid of internal disease. When we do, by directly releasing on them, the dis-ease disappears. Doctors know that a peaceful and positive mind is the best doctor of all. It can cure and fix anything in the body.
Furthermore, releasing can be instrumental in healing others. One of the graduates wrote to us: "Two weeks ago our son 'cracked up' at college and we had to pick him up. I called you and you said: There is no such thing as mental illness. Can you just let it go and let him be normal, healthy and whole with ease? I really latched on to the statement 'with ease?' and repeatedly said it in my mind even when the psychiatrist told us two days later that he was mentally ill, paranoid schizophrenic and would always need to be on medication. I did not give him the medication. I did take him to a  homeopathic doctor that I knew and trusted. Within two days, he was beginning to act normal and now, two weeks later, he is fine!!!"
北拿骚精神卫生中心 医务主管
纽约 曼哈赛特
"I had several physical ailments including migraine headaches, diverticulitis, gout and severe hypoglycemia. The week after taking the course, I was scheduled for surgery. But within a few days after beginning to release, the surgical condition disappeared and never reappeared. My other physical problems cleared up. I believe these good effects are due to the stress reduction brought about by using the Method."
Dr. David Hawkins
Medical Director, The North Nassau Mental Health Center
Manhassett, NY
——克里斯托弗·普鲁伊特 医学博士
"In my experience, "The RELEASE Technique" is simply the most effective way of reducing stress on both a personal and professional level. It constitutes a dramatic advance in the field of health and wellness."
Christopher Pruitt, M.D.
American WeI/ness Consultants
——约翰·L·凯梅尼 医学博士
"I consider "The RELEASE?Technique" to be the best contribution to preventative medicine that I have seen in my 25 years of interest in the field. I am amazed at the simplicity of the training and its effectiveness."
John L. Kemeny, M.D.
Columbia University Medical School
——埃利奥特·格鲁姆 医学博士
亚利桑那州 菲尼克斯市
"The Release Technique is different from anything I have ever done before. It works on a feeling level and allows people to eliminate negative emotions and thoughts. The Release Technique is so fast and effective because it goes directly to the heart of the problem ... it's a shortcut for everyone who uses it."
Elliott Grumer, M.D.
Good Samaritan Hospital
Phoenix, AZ
——路易斯·欧蒙特 哲学博士
"I have looked into other methods of stress management before finding the Release Technique, but have not discovered anything else so simple, powerful and rapidly effective. The most appealing features ofThe Method for me are the absence of an imposed belief system and the fact that people can use it completely on their own with great success."
Louis Ormont, Ph.D.
Psychology Department
Adelphi University
Researchers David McClellan of Harvard University Medical School and Richard Davidson of The State University of New York have found that "The RELEASE Technique" "stands out far beyond the rest for simplicity, efficiency, absence of questionable concepts and rapidity of observable results." These studies also reveal that individuals using "The RELEASE Technique" show significant reduction in heart rate and diastolic blood pressure. With respect to short- versus long-term gain, the overall findings suggest that it is effective in promoting and maintaining stress reduction months after the training.
If you have a deficiency in your body, I suggest you try releasing on it. Releasing certainly will not hurt you in any way and, of course, if you can't release on it, you can always consult with a medical practitioner. When your body hurts, we start disapproving or beating up that part of the body, thus sending negative energy to the very part of the body we want to send positive energy to. Start reversing this habit by noticing the disapproving energy contained in your stomach or chest and putting the imaginary tube into the unwanted energy and releasing it. Then proceed to send that pain that is hurting (or deficient) positive energy by giving it approval. Some might say, "You want me to give my body approval? It hurts! I'm in pain!" But ask yourself, "Whose body is it that hurts?" That will help you discriminate that it is your body, not some ethereal body outside yourself. If it is your body or your pain, release it and give it approval. If you do that continually, your body will naturally correct itself.
The following releasing exercises will help you normalize your body and rid itself of the blockages which cause the discomfort. If you have a part of your body that isn't working properly, or you have pain or an uncomfortable feeling about it, check and see if you have been trying to figure out how to get rid of it (thus, holding it in your mind). Could you let go of figuring out how to get rid of it? You might as well, you haven't been able to get rid of it anyway. And could you let go of some more ... and more? Could you let go of wanting to know what to do about it? And more? And more? And could you let go of wanting to know the answer? And more? And more? Could you let go of clutching about it? Notice there's a clutching feeling in your feeling center, your stomach or chest. And more, and more? Could you let go of resisting it, the energy in your stomach or chest area? And more? And more?
Now see if you have been disapproving of this disease or discomfort in you. By disapproving of it, you are sending negative energy to a place that is already a pocket of negative energy, and you're only making the situation worse. Could you let go of disapproving of it? And more? And more? So, could you give it some approval? By sending it positive energy, you allow the body to heal itself. Pain is like a doorbell ringing, saying "Please fix me." Your body is telling you to fix it. You can not fix it by sending your body negative energy. By doing this, you are only stopping the body from healing itself. So could you give your body some approval? Just because it's the smart thing to do? And more? And more?
Now keep looking for your disapproving of this "dis-ease." Every time you catch yourself beating your body up, let go. Then practice giving it approval. If you continually do this, the dis-ease will disappear.
Now let's do a releasing exercise on well ness. Then go on and do an attachment and aversion to health or that disease of a problem with your health exercise. You will find a "Releasing Stuckness" chart that will be very helpful in eliminating the stuckness about your health subject or any subject you may want to work on.

What is my NOW Feeling About WeIlness?

Write down your NOW feelings about each topic, taking one topic at a time. Then trace that NOW feeling to either apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger or courageousness, acceptance and peace. Than see it as a wanting of approval, control or security and let it go to completion.
Once you have released the feeling completely check the Let go? column. When you have let it go, look back and see what the next feeling is about the topic. Do this until you feel at least courageousness about that topic, Then repeat the process with the next topic.


Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What advantage is it to me to be healthy?
What disadvantage is it to me to be healthy?
1  想象你永远都不能变得健康。(将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)
2  我能否将自己对健康所有的贪爱都释放掉?(持续释放,直到你能够毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答案。)
1. Imagine never, ever being able to be healthy. (Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to health? (keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.
Stream of Consciousness:
(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)
What do I like about being healthy?
What do I dislike about being healthy?
1  想象你永远都身体健康?(重复释放,直到胸腹之间没有任何感觉留下。)
2  我能否把自己对健康所有的憎恶都放下呢?(重复释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)
1. Imagine always being healthy? (Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)
2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to health? (keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)

Releasing Stuckness

Take a topic where you are experiencing stuckness (i.e. making a decision, a goal, an undesirable habit or behavior pattern, a troublesome relationship or situation, a recurring a feeling.
Start with one advantage, write it down, then write "wanting approval," "wanting to control," or "wanting security" next to is and release the NOW want completely. Check the Let Go? column.
Then go to one disadvantage, write it down, and go through the same steps. Go back to another advantage, repeating the same steps. Then do another disadvantage, then another advantage, then another disadvantage, so that you continue alternating the items and keep them balanced. If you can't come up with something, write "none" in that column and continue your releasing.
Topic: Being Overweight (译者注:这里不是有我的翻译问题哦……是原文里用的下划线)


发表于 2013-2-16 19:42:56 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2013-2-16 20:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-17 09:29:01 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-17 21:26:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-2-18 00:30:49 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-18 21:15:58 | 显示全部楼层
第十四章 请看日志吧。
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-18 21:17:28 | 显示全部楼层
第十五章  责任
The worst thing to do is to suppress a desire, any desire. When it is suppressed, from that moment on, it will try to express itself. Recognizing it does not mean we must try to satisfy it, but does prevent suppressing it.
--Lester Levenson
Now we are going to look at responsibility. Lester said that by taking responsibility for everything that goes on in our lives, we could open our flow to abundance. If we don't do it, we are out of control. If we do it, we're in control.
So let's just take a look at some of the things that we can do in preparation for taking a look at responsibility. I want you to think about having all the abundance in the world. What would you do? Would you take a trip? Would you buy a big house? Would you tell your boss to drop dead? Would you get rid of your spouse? Would you get a new spouse? Would you buy an airplane? A new car? Whatever it is, take a look at that and see if it brings up a wanting of approval, wanting of control or a wanting to be safe and secure.
再想想如果你有了世上所有的丰盛的话会做些什么,这些想法是不是激起了你想要被认同、想要控制或想要安全妥当的欲望呢?如果你有了世上所有的丰盛的话还会做些什么?你会去哪里?做什么?你会如何行动?你会买什么?不管你发现自己想要多少东西,你能把这看做是想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全吗?你能把这些“想要”都放下吗?你能把这种匮乏感放下吗?释放更多,越多越好。如果你有了世上所有的丰盛的话还想做些什么呢?这会激起你想要被认同、想要控制或想要安全妥当的欲望吗?不管是哪种“想要”被勾起来了,你能把它放下吗?如果你得到了世上所有的丰盛的话还想做些什么呢?你会去哪里、如何行动、让谁与你为伴?你会做怎样的生意?你想要直接退休吗?你想环游欧洲或周游世界吗?你想为父母买房子吗?不管你想要什么,你能看做是想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全吗?不管是哪种“想要”, 你能把它放下吗?放下你想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全妥当的欲望——或者说,是它们背后的那种无用能量。就让它上浮离开吧,放吧,放吧,越多越好。
如果你得到了世上所有的丰盛的话还想做些什么呢?不管答案是什么,你能否将其看做是想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全呢?不管是哪种“想要”, 你能把它放下吗?释放更多,越多越好。
Now think of something else you'd do if you had all the abundance in the world. Does that bring up a wanting of approval, wanting of control or wanting to be safe and secure? Now what else would you do if you had all the abundance in the world? Where would you go? What would you do? How would you act? What would you buy? Whatever gets stirred up, could you see that as wanting approval, control or safety? Now whichever want gets stirred up, could you let go of that want...that lacking feeling? And more. And even more. And what else would you do if you had all the abundance in the world? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Whichever want gets stirred up, could you just let it go? And what else would you do if you had all the abundance in the world? Where would you go, how would you act, who would you be with? What business would you be in? Would you retire? Would you take a trip to Europe? Around the world? Buy a house for your parents? Whatever. Whatever that brings up, could you see it as either a wanting of approval, control or safety? And whichever want that gets stirred up, could you just let go of that want? Let go of the wanting of approval, wanting of control or wanting of safety--or just an unwanted energy. Just allow it to come up and pass through. And more. And more.
Now what else would you do if you had all the abundance in the world? And whichever answer you have, could you see that as either a wanting of approval, control or safety? And whatever it is, could you just let go of that want? And more. And even more.
不管你对此有何感想,你能否把它归于想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全的欲望之下?你能否将这些感觉的一部分甚至是所有都释放掉呢?还有什么在阻碍着你追求丰盛?不管勾起了哪种“想要”, 你能否把它归于想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全的欲望之下?你能把这些感觉放下吗?不管是什么阻碍着你,不管是什么,你能否将其归于想要被认同、想要控制和想要安全这三大欲望?你能把它放下吗?
Now ask yourself what's in the way of you having abundance? What's in the way of you having money? Are you guilty? Do you feel you don't deserve it? Is it that you're not in the right place and you're into trying to figure it out? What's in the way? Let's examine that.
Whichever thought or feeling you have, could you see that as a wanting approval, control or safety? And could you let go of any or all of these feelings? And what else is in the way of you having abundance? Whichever want it brings up, could you see that as a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of these feelings? And whatever's in the way, whatever it is, could you see that as a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let it go?
At this point, stop and take a plain piece of paper out. Write down what you'd do if you had all the abundance in the world and then see each idea you come up with as a wanting of approval, control or safety. Whatever your answer is, just let go of either wanting approval, control or safety and then take a look at what's in the way of you having this thing. See if it brings up an unwanted energy, a resistance, a clutching or just plain wanting of approval, control or safety ... and just let it go!
When you've finished with this exercise, we can continue forward.
Taking responsibility is a powerful way of creating abundance in your life, as well as accelerating your releasing. The following quote from Lester describes how you can start creating and taking responsibility in your life.
"If you want one partial key for quickly reaching the Goal, I would recommend that you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you. We have lost sight of our mastership and have deluded ourselves into thinking that we are victims in a world that controls us, that pushes us around. It isn't so! We are causing what is happening to us by giving power, our power, to the external world. If you want to regain your control, you must take full responsibility.
How to regain our control? Examine your thinking and correct it. Develop the habit of honest introspection by asking yourself, "Wherein did I cause this to happen to me?' and holding it until the thought that caused the happiness comes out of the subconscious into the conscious plane. Then you recognize your mastership, that you caused that pleasant or unpleasant experience to happen to you. The more you will do this, the easier it becomes and the more able you become until, finally, you recognize that you were always the master."
--Lester Levenson
Fill in the blanks below. Write down whatever comes up and release it without censoring what you discover. Be open to seeing your underlying pattern or program about abundance. Take responsibility, but let go of beating yourself up. By taking responsibility, you can take control of what happens to you in your world. Ifyou did it, you can change it. Ifyou feel, "I didn't do it, it happened to me," you're stuck and you have to wait for something or someone outside of yourself to change--you become a victim.
(Sit quietly until the answer comes. Write it down and keep releasing until you are 100% released about it.)
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