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丰盛之书——第十九章 创化

热度 5已有 1905 次阅读2013-2-26 21:28 |个人分类:丰盛之书| 释放法, 心灵

第十九章  创化
“ desire is a disturbance of one's natural, inherent peace and joy. Desires keep one involved in trying to satiate the desires, consequently detracting one from his constant, natural, inherent happiness.
In short, desire is the enemy of happiness and the source of misery."
--Lester Levenson
We're now going to take a look at what Lester has to say on demonstration, in the following transcript from his "Willpower" tape:
"Whether we are aware of it or not, everyone is controlling matter all the time. Whether one wants to be a demonstrator or not, he is. It is impossible to not be a creator all the time. Everyone is creating every day. We're not aware of it because we just don't look at it. Every thought, every single thought materializes in the physical world. It's impossible to have a thought that will not materialize, except when we reverse it. If we say the opposite right after we have a thought of equal strength, we just neutralize it. But any thought not reversed or neutralized will materialize in the future, if not immediately. So this thing of demonstration that we're all trying so hard to do we're doing all the time, unaware of the fact that we are doing it. All we need to do is consciously direct it--and that we call demonstration.
Everything that everyone has in life is a demonstration. It could not come into your experience had you not had a thought of it sometime prior. If you want to know what your sum total thinkingness is, it's exactly determined by what's around you, what you have. That is your demonstration. If you like it, you may hold it. If you don't start changing your thinking, concentrate it in the direction that you really want until those thoughts become predominant--and whatever those thoughts are will materialize in the world. And when you begin to demonstrate consciously--small things--you may then realize that the only reason why they're small is because you don't dare to think big.
But the exact same rule or principle applies to demonstrating a penny that applies to demonstrating a billion dollars. The mind sets the size. Anyone who can demonstrate a dollar can demonstrate a million dollars. Become aware of the way you're demonstrating the one-dollar bill, and put six zeroes after it next time. Take on the consciousness of the million, rather than the one-dollar bill.
This relates to what I have been saying that there's no difference between the spiritual and the material when you see it, the material being just an outprojecting of our minds into what we call the universe, the world and many bodies. And when we see that it is just an out-projecting of our mind, that it's just a picture out there we have created, we can very easily change it. Instantly.
So to repeat: Everyone is demonstrating and creating during every moment that he or she is thinking. You have no choice. You are a creator so long as you have a mind and think. To get beyond creation, we must go beyond the mind-and just beyond the mind is the realm of all Knowingness, where there is no need for creation. There's a higher state than creation: It's a state of is-ness, of being-ness, sometimes called Awareness, Beingness, Consciousness. That's just behind the mind. That's beyond creation. The mind finds it very difficult to imagine what it's like beyond creation because it is involved primarily in creation-in the act of creating. It's the creating instrument of the universe and everything that happens in the world, in the universe.
If you take this thing called mind, which is only a creator, and try to imagine what it is like beyond creation, it's impossible. The mind will never know peace (quiet) because you have to go just above the mind to know peace (quiet) to know the Infinite Being that we are--to know what it's like beyond creation. The final state is beyond creation. The ultimate State is the changeless state. In creation, everything is constantly changing. Therefore, in creation, the Ultimate Truth is not there. So to demonstrate what one wants, one needs to become aware of the fact that all we need to do is to think only of the things we want, and that is all that we would get, if we would do just that.
Only think of the things you want, and that's what you'll be getting all the time, because the mind is only creative. Nice and easy, isn't it? Also, take credit for all the things you create that you don't like. Just say, "Oh, look what I did," because when you become aware that you've created things you don't like, you're still in a position of creator. If you don't like it, all you have to do is turn it upside down and you'll like it."
If what you are doing in life or what is happening to you brings up a clutching or resistance in your stomach or chest, keep releasing the energy until it is completely released.
What are you demonstrating in your life? Think of one thing you're demonstrating in your life. And just let go of that energy in your feeling center. Allow it to come up and allow it to pass through, especially if you're demonstrating some negative things in your life. Think of one. Allow that energy to come up instead of pushing it down and clutching. If you're not releasing on the negativity, you're just collecting it. Welcome it up. Allow it to be there and just allow it to pass through. Put your head down. Disconnect your head and just put the tube into the energy and allow that energy to come up and out. It's not good, it's not bad--it's just phenomenon passing through. And what's something else you're demonstrating in a negative way in your life? Put your head down and notice if it brings up an unwanted energy, a clutching, a resistance, and just allow that energy to come up. It wants to leave, so just allow it to pass through.
And what's something else you're demonstrating in your life? See if just thinking about what is happening in your life results in a clutching or resistance. Just allow it to come up and allow that energy to pass through. Again, it's not good, it's not bad--it's just phenomenon coming up. And more. And more. And what's something else you're demonstrating in your life? Whatever energy it brings up, just allow it to pass through. If it's clutching or resistance, just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. And what's something else you're demonstrating in your life? See if there's any clutching or resistance--a wanting to change it. And just allow it to come up and pass through. And more. And even more. Lester says if you don't like what you're demonstrating in life, turn it upside down (release it) and what you're demonstrating in life will turn around and change. That's what we're doing by releasing. We're just feeling the energy, letting it go and allowing it to leave.
Now think of something else you're demonstrating in your life. Maybe you have a hassle with somebody. Maybe you have a problem or argument. Maybe you're not getting along with someone. Maybe you're not having enough money. Maybe you're not in good health. All of those are demonstrations, so think of one and see if it brings up a clutching or resistance. Just allow that energy to pass through. Again, it's not bad, it's not good, it's just phenomenon passing through.
And what's something else you're demonstrating in your life? See what energy that brings up. Put your head down and allow the energy to pass through. And more. And even more.
You can release with your eyes open and you don't have to have your head down after a while, but make sure you disconnect your head. Be sure you can put your hand on your stomach or chest area, whichever is your feeling center. This is just to remind you to disconnect your head. If things become severely difficult, it's probably a good idea to put your head down and put the tube into the energy. Then just allow it to pass through.
So what else are you demonstrating in your life? Allow it to come up and just allow it to pass through. See if you're clutching. If you're not clutching, you'll notice everything is perfect--everything is OK. There's no need to change anything.
If what you are doing in life or what is happening to you brings up a clutching or resistance in your stomach or chest, keep releasing the energy until it is completely released.
So let's look at relationships. What are some of your concerns about relationships? What are you demonstrating in the form of relationships? Take a look. See if that brings up a resistance, a clutching or a wanting to change it; and just allow that energy to come up and pass through.
And what's another concern, another demonstration in relationships? Just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. And what else is your consciousness about relationships? See what you're demonstrating. See if there's any clutching or resisting. Just allow that energy to come up and just allow it to pass through. It really wants to leave. Just allow it to pass through.
If what you are doing in life or what is happening to you brings up a clutching or resistance in your stomach or chest, keep releasing the energy until it is completely released.
And now let's look at your consciousness about business. What is your consciousness about business? What are you demonstrating in business? You don't like your job? You don't have a good boss or partner? You don't like how much money you're making? Take a look. Notice if you're clutching when you think of those things, a resisting. Put your head down. Allow that energy to come up and just allow it to erase and dissolve.
And take a look about something else you're demonstrating in business. Maybe you just don't like working but feel you have to in order to make a living. Notice if you're clutching, you want to change it. Is there a resistance? Just allow that energy to come up and just allow it to pass through.
Keep working on these questions until you're no longer bothered about what you demonstrating in your life.









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