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丰盛之书——第二十九章 结语:不过一切才刚刚开始

热度 9已有 3398 次阅读2013-5-7 20:14 |个人分类:丰盛之书| 释放法, 心灵

第二十九章 结语:不过一切才刚刚开始




"Only through growth do we really understand what love is."

Lester Levenson





Even though this is the last chapter and the course is completed, it really isn't. This is only the beginning of you using the Release Technique. You can use the book and the exercises over and over again. They all stand on their own. You can turn to any chapter or any exercise and use it individually, keeping in mind some key points, highlighted here:








As you become more proficient with releasing, don't be surprised if you find yourself releasing spontaneously during situations as they occur. Be on the lookout for how easy your releasing will become the more you use the Release Technique. The more you use your releasing ability, the more you will have a releasing attitude toward stressful situations.


I suggest you review the book again and do the exercises repeatedly. You'll find that you may not have grasped certain releasing techniques the first time around. This technique is very profound. The more you release, the more you will understand what is being taught. It's like peeling an onion--you keep getting closer and closer to the core.







Sometimes we get so stirred up that we don't always release on the spot. Don't worry about it; you can always release later. Use every down as an up. This will greatly improve your ability to release.







It's a good idea to release on expectations or anticipations. Sometimes you can ask yourself, "Can I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than I think it is?" This will neutralize an anticipation and prevent a self-fulfilling prophecy from taking shape.







Don't save some negative energy for later. While you still feel it, get rid of all negative energy.








Simply put your head down and pull your shoulders back. Move into courageousness and ask the energy to come up—and it will leave. Remember that any release gets rid of the accumulated negative energy, so keep chipping away at it instead of giving up. Do an advantage and disadvantage of being stuck or start releasing on something else so you can open the releasing muscle. You can also call another releasing buddy and ask them to help you release.


Remember that you don't have to put your head down during the time you're with people, but you can put your hand on your stomach or chest area to start releasing. Enjoy this wonderful, wonderful technique. Please let me know how you're doing. Contact me via my company's website at www.releasetechnique.com. I'm truly interested in getting feedback on how the program is working for you. If you have a question or if you're stuck, I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.








Now let's do a cleanup. Just close your eyes and relax--and see if there's any clutching going on in your stomach or chest. Put your head down and allow the energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Now see if there's any resistance. If there is, just allow that energy to come up and pass through. See if there's anything you're trying to figure out. That wanting to figure out is the lacking of answer. You're actually instructing your mind not to give you an answer by wanting to figure it out. Could you get in touch with that unwanted energy in your stomach or chest area--that "lacking an answer" feeling? Could you let go of that lacking feeling? Just allow it to pass through. And could you let go of wanting to know what to do about it? And more. And even more. Could you let go of wanting to know any answers? And more. And even more.


Have you been disapproving of yourself? Could you call up that disapproval energy, that beating yourself up energy? It's a habit in all of us. Just call it up. Put your head down and allow it to come up and pass through. And more. And more. And even more. And could you give yourself some approval? Just for the heck of it? No reason necessary. And could you give yourself some more approval? And more. And more. And even more. Notice where the approval comes from. It comes from you. It does not come from outside yourself. So could you give yourself some more approval? And more. And more. And even more. Could it get any better? And could you let go and find out? And could it get any better? And could you let go and find out? And could it get any better? And more. And more.





See if you can bring up some of the wanting to control that lacking feeling of being out of control. Remember: wanting equals lack. Could you let go of wanting to control? And more. And more. And could you bring up some of that wanting control? Could you let it go? Would you let it go? And when? And see if you can bring up some more of that wanting control. It's that lacking feeling. Could you let that lack go from your stomach or chest area? And more. And more. And more. And see if you can bring up some of the wanting of approval- the lie that approval lies outside oneself--the lie that you have to do something to get it from someone else. Could you let go of that lacking feeling? And more. And more. And even more. And could you bring up some of the wanting to be safe and secure? And more. And more. Can you see it's a lacking feeling? And can you bring up some more of that lacking feeling and just allow it to pass through? It's not good, it's not bad. It's just phenomenon passing through. And more. And more. And even more. And even more.


Now see if you have a story--a "poor me" story. Do you have an "I can't get what I want" story or "nobody loves me" story? How about an "I'm a victim" story? Whatever story there is, could you just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through? And more. And more. And even more. And even more. Now see if you have another story you'd like to let go. Whatever the story is, could you allow it to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And even more. And even more. See if you could bring up some of the wanting to be separate. Could you let go of wanting to be separate? And more. And more. And more. Think of something or somebody you want to be separate form. Could you let go of wanting to be separate? And more. And more. And even more.





Now get a picture of your mind, whatever that means to you. Remember the television show "I Dream of Jeannie"? Remember how she would evaporate out of the bottle on command? Can you allow that picture of your mind to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And more. And more. And even more. And get a picture of your body, whatever that means to you. And could you allow that picture of your body to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And more. And even more. And get in touch with that part of you that says, "If I don't do it, I won't get it done. I have to do everything." Could you allow the concept that you have to do anything, the belief that you have to do everything, to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And more. And even more. And could you surrender to beingness? Allow beingness to take care of it. Allow beingness to do it for you. And more. And more. And even more.


And now ask yourself the question: If I'm not my mind and I'm not my body and I'm not my ego, then what am I? Whatever spontaneous answer you get, could you give yourself to that answer? Allow yourself to surrender to it. And more. And more. And more. And even more.





This place that you're in right now speaks to you. And for the purposes of this exercise, let's call it "Quiet." Quiet is very spontaneous. It speaks to us differently than the mind, which analyzes things before it answers you. So just take whatever answer you get.


Let's ask Quiet some questions and take the first answer that comes. From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as the past? Just notice your spontaneous answer and take what you get.












From Quiet’s point of view, is there such a thing as the future?

From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as right?

From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as wrong?

From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as good?

From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as bad?

From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as birth?

From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as death?

From Quiet's point of view, what do you need to do to make a living?

From Quiet's point of view, what do you need to do to awaken, to be realized, to be free?





See if it's possible for anything negative to happen to you in this place that you're in right now. See if it's possible for you to be destroyed in the place you're in right now. Check and see. And could you give yourself to Quiet even more? Just allow Quiet to take you wherever it's going. It's like sitting in a stream on a raft. And just allow yourself to put your bags down. Allow the stream to take you wherever it's going. And more. And more. And even more.


And could you turn your mind over to Quiet and let it do all the thinking for you? And surrender to it even more. And could you turn your body over to Quiet and let it take care of all your bodily functions? And more. And more. And even more. And could you turn anything you had to do over to Quiet? Just allow Quiet to take care of it. And just rest in this place. And in this place, that's where you can dig up your deepest, most suppressed garbage. It wants to leave, so just let it pass through. Lester said don't release to get high, get high to release. So if you're high right now, now's the time to continue digging. Don't just hold on to that nice feeling. Ask yourself, could it get any better? Let go and find out. Don't just hold on to that nice feeling. Ask yourself, could it get any better? Let go and find out. If you like this exercise, you can call and order the cleanup cassette, which you can use over and over again.





And thank you for joining me. And remember to send in your gains. Take a few days to evaluate your gains and send them to me. We'll put you on our mailing list and you'll be known as a Release Graduate. You'll begin to get our magazine, Release, as well as be eligible for various advanced courses. Remember this course is also available to courses and companies. We would love to come and teach this course in person to a company. We can also tailor the course to your company's needs--or any group, for that matter. If you have a group anywhere in the country, we would love to come teach this to them. How about teaching this to your family?


Please stay in touch and, as Lester always said: "Welcome to the Love Boat."










刚表态过的朋友 (8 人)

发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 九七 2013-5-7 21:12
谢谢 辛苦了
回复 云上邪 2013-5-8 11:52
回复 闲游人北京 2013-5-8 18:50
多谢Kelly!!辛苦了。"它会自行离开的",在李尔纳见面会上保持临在,真的看见堵的能量自行离开了。 另外,从平静的角度看,和流程第三阶段好像。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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