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楼主: KellyWhite

[资料方法] [翻译(附原文)]丰盛之书 更新中…7月2日校对完毕,上传pdf电子书。

发表于 2013-4-8 20:36:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-4-16 09:05:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 怒放- 于 2013-4-16 09:10 编辑

      亲爱的[KellyWhite:你翻译的丰盛之书给我极大极大的帮助,我感觉自己逐步在走上一个一个新的台阶,我一直在看你翻译的书,但是却懒得写感谢。今天补上。以后我会分享这个书给我的成长,那种好改天换地的改变。以此表达对你的谢意 和所有提供有关信息、给我帮助的朋友的谢意!

我爱你 这份兢兢业业!/color]
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-29 21:43:07 | 显示全部楼层

第二十七章  最大限度地利用你的释放

“Letting go of all attachments and aversions is letting go of all your thoughts. Thought and desire are the same."
--Lester Levenson


1、        早上一睁眼就去感知你当下的感受,追溯其源头到潜藏的欲望,然后释放。
2、        在心里预演新的一天,然后释放,对照着黄金六步骤。
3、        除了你正在攻克的主要的释放之外,也抽出时间来做一些短的释放。
4、        如果你觉得自己被扰乱激发了或是压力很大,注意到它,然后释放。
5、        制定一些目标,每天都对其进行释放;对你生活中的人事物和各种情况做贪爱与嗔恨的练习。
6、        回想反思自己的一天,然后释放,对照黄金六步。对以下几项进行释放:

1. As soon as you awaken in the morning, become aware of what you are feeling. Trace the feeling down to the underlying want--and release.
2. Preview the day and release. Have the Six Steps in front of you.
3. In addition to releasing on the go, set aside time for short releasing breaks during the day.
4. If you begin to get stirred up or stressed, notice this, and release.
5. Have some goals you're releasing on daily. Do attachments and aversions exercises on things and situations in your life.
6. Review the day and release. Have the Six Steps in front of you. Release on:
*Resistance to circumstances/events/situations
*When was wanting control stirred up? Wanting approval? Wanting
7. Determine where you could have been more aware today, and where you need to be more aware tomorrow, in order to keep your releasing going even more consistently.
8. Be aware of when you are resisting--and release the feeling of resistance.
9. Review the Six Steps daily. Determine where you were off and what you need to do to get back on track.
10. If you have trouble releasing, see where you're off in the Six Steps. Remember--there are no exceptions!
Now, in more detail, we'll examine the ways to get the most from releasing using each of these ten steps.

1、        早上一睁眼就去感知你当下的感受,追溯其源头到潜藏的欲望,然后释放。一起来就做,在释放完之前,不要像以前那样浑浑噩噩地开始一天的流水账。
2、        在心里预演新的一天,然后释放,对照着黄金六步骤。预演新的一天——梳理你的关心、期待、或是担忧。观察一下你对于这一天的态度,然后给这一天制定一个综合目标和一些具体的小目标。然后只要释放就好。
3、        除了你正在攻克的主要的释放之外,也抽出时间来做一些短的释放。有时候我们会忙于完成手头各种各样的事,不过也要记得给自己几分钟的暂停来做释放。在家或办公室划出一块专门的区域来做释放。随身携带一个释放手册,一有空就可以停下来释放,又用不了多长时间嘛。在这些短暂的休息中做释放会帮助你轻轻松松、毫无压力地度过每一天。记住:那些不过都是些感受!
4、        如果你觉得自己被扰乱激发了或是压力很大,要马上注意到它,然后开始释放。不要干坐在那里沉浸在紧抓感或是抗拒感里。释放它不过需要一小段时间。记住黄金六步里的第一步:我必须让自己想要自由超过想要被认同、想要控制或是想要安全。那会提醒你做释放。然后一天会过得顺顺畅畅的,否则你就会在抗拒感里挣扎着熬过那一天。
5、        制定一些目标,每天都对其进行释放;对你生活中的人事物和各种情况做贪爱与嗔恨的练习。我建议你搞一本释放手册,然后定期地写下自己的目标——每天四五条。然后持续对其做释放,直到目标达成。 然后再制定更多的目标。看这些目标是如何带领你在没有抗拒的情况下得到生命中你想要的那些东西的。当你完成了这个目标时,就在后面写下“我已完成这个目标”。如果你没有完成这个目标、没有得到它,就对其做好处坏处的练习,或者扪心自问为什么你会创造出一个无法实现的目标。然后答案会自己浮现出来的,然后将其释放。
6、        回想反思自己的一天,然后释放,对照黄金六步。对以下几项进行释放:环境,事件,情境,人,对于环境、事件、情境的抵触情绪。这种想要控制的欲望是何时被激起的?那么想要被认同的欲望呢?还有你想要安全的欲望呢?这会让你睡得更香,也不会一直压抑或者执着于某些东西。你在反其道而行之。这会给你带来一夜美好的休息。

1: As soon as you wake in the morning, become aware of what you're feeling. Trace the feeling down to the underlying want and release. Do it as soon as you get up in the morning. Don't automatically begin the routine of your day until you've released.
2: Preview the day and release. Have the Six Steps in front of you. Preview the day--see if you have any concerns, expectations or worries. Look at your attitude about the day and make a general intention for it. Also make some specific intentions. Then just release.
3: In addition to releasing on the go, set aside time for short releasing breaks during the day. Sometimes we push through our stuff. Just stop for a minute and release. Have a special releasing place in your office or home. Have a releasing book with you and just stop every once in a while to release. It takes just a few minutes. That little releasing break will help you get through the day without any stress or pressure. Remember: It's just a feeling! If you're in a meeting, and you feel you're getting overworked, take a bathroom break. Do whatever you have to do to go to a place where you can get away for a moment to release. Have a coffee break just so you can have some time to release. Then continue with the day's momentum. You can put your hand on your stomach or your chest to remind you to release. People around you won't know what you're doing.
4: If you begin to get stirred up or stressed, notice it immediately and start releasing. Don't sit there clutching and resisting. It takes just a moment to release. Remember Step One: I must want freedom more then I want approval, control or security. That will remind you to release. Then the day will go smoothly. Otherwise, you will experience resistance and the day will drag on.
5: Have some goals you're releasing on daily. I recommend you get a releasing workbook and write goals down on a regular basis--four or five of them daily. And continue to release on these goals until they fall in your lap. And then make some more goals. See how goals can help you accomplish the things you want in life without resistance. When you complete the goal, write down "I completed it." If you haven't completed it and it's not falling in your lap, do advantages and disadvantages of having this goal or ask yourself what's the purpose of why I created this goal not to happen. Then you'll come up with an answer. Then release that.
6: Review the day and release. Have the Six Steps in front of you. Release on circumstances, events, situations, people, resistance to circumstances, events or situations. When was wanting control stirred up? How about wanting approval? Wanting security? This will allow you to sleep much better so you're not continually suppressing or holding on to this stuff. You're un-suppressing it. And that will allow you to have a beautiful night's rest.
7: Determine where you could have been more aware of clutching and resistance today, as well as where you need to be more aware tomorrow, in order to keep releasing going even more consistently.
8: Be aware of when you are resisting releasing. Then release the feeling of resistance or clutching. Look for that clutch and just let it go.
9: Review the Six Steps daily. Determine where you're off on the Six Steps and what you need to do to get back on track.
10: If you have trouble releasing, determine where you're off in the Six Steps. Remember--there are no exceptions!



A daily review or "clean up" is a powerful process which richly repays the effort invested. The process is most commonly done in the evening, although it can be done at any time during the day. In fact, if you get in the habit of stopping periodically and doing this kind of general cleanup in addition to your regular releasing you will find your improving dramatically.

This is a time to look dispassionately over events and interactions: a meeting or gathering at work or with friends, a talk with a loved one, etc. It is the time to extract from them the learning they contain. Then release any attachments or emotional residue. In many ways, the process is like harvesting the seeds of consciousness. In giving our attention and awareness to the events and their lessons, we gain the nourishment they contain and distill their essential value.


The first step is to relax and allow this process to take place from the standpoint of the observer. Judgment and self-criticism only impede the process.

After you have achieved this state of relaxation, look back over the events of the previous hours and allow certain events or interactions to come into your mind. Notice that these may be events you passed over too rapidly or were incomplete for you. Pay attention to what was left unsaid or undone, as well as any unvoiced agendas or wants which are associated with each. Before you release on these wants, stay present with them for just an instant and see if they have a message or lesson for you. Then identify the want: ask yourself if you could let go of wanting approval, control or security.

Do this process as often as you remember each day. It's a terrific addition to what you are now doing.

*仅通过释放得到任何东西Get everything only by releasing.
*练习在释放的同时见证更多东西Practice witnessing things more while releasing.
*对所有事情完全负责Take responsibility for everything.
*从你的内在得到所有快乐Take all your joy from within.
*给出所有Be all giving.
*做自己Be yourself


Assignment: Pick one of the Fast Steps to try for yourself. Just focus on it and prove to yourself how the "butt" system will work for you.



Lester had many ways to try to help us go free. He created these Fast Steps to Freedom, adding these suggestions for their implementation:

1: Get everything only by releasing. You can practice this by releasing only on the things you want to accomplish in life. Releasing is the highest form of action. The mind will tell you, "Sure, you released on it--but now what do you do?" Don't do anything except release. Get everything only by releasing. You'll discover it's the highest form of action. I know this. Lester knew it. You need to prove it to yourself. Only by experientially doing it, will you prove it to yourself. That's where goals are helpful. Get everything only by releasing.

2: Practice witnessing things more while releasing. In order to witness, you definitely have to let go of all your wanting of approval, control and safety. Just be quiet. Watch what happens. Don't say much. Focus inwardly on your releasing. While you're in conflict, just let the wants go and watch what happens. Any situation will immediately resolve if you totally release. Anything impossible is immediately possible when you completely release on it--and you know you're completely released on it when you just don't give a damn about it.

3: Take responsibility for everything, but don't beat yourself up. Just say to yourself, "Wherein did I cause this to happen?" As soon as you ask, it will come up. Sit quietly and then you can release it. If you did it, you can undo it. If you didn't do it, you're going to have to wait for someone or a set of circumstances to stop. However, if you see that you're the one who's doing it, then you're in a powerful position.

4: Take all your joy from within. If you haven't noticed, that's where the joy is coming from. It's the only place it really comes from. Give yourself approval. And more and more. Take all your joy from within. If you can get that, you'll save yourself years of looking around for joy outside yourself. The search for joy outside oneself is a futile and never-ending one.

5: Be all giving. Just decide to be all giving. That doesn't mean you have to give away the store. Just come from a giving place. Treat others like you want to be treated. Do unto others as you expect others to do unto you, etc.

6: Be yourself. Just be and be and be.



Now let's take a look at happiness. Use the following prompts to break down your thoughts.

Choose a Topic:______________________

What do I need to be happy regarding this topic? ______________________

And can I let go of this?

What do I need to avoid in order to be happy? ______________________

And can I let go of this?
Did I completely let go?


What do I need in order to be happy? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting safety? And what do I need to avoid in order to be happy? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let them go? What do I need in order to be happy? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting safety? And what do I need to avoid in order to be happy? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Could you—would you--Iet them go? Continue with this exercise until you feel complete with your happiness before moving on.



An exercise that is very helpful to you and to my office is to send us your gains. There is a gains sheet in the back of the book. Write down your gains from using this course, as well as your comments. When we receive it, we will put you on our mailing list so you'll be able to receive a newsletter. This periodic mailing will let you know how others are using the course techniques to have abundance. The newsletter will also give you suggestions and ideas regarding how other graduates are using the course. It will also give you telephone numbers for releasing help nationwide, letting you know about support systems. It also provides information regarding advanced courses being held around the country. These courses are fun because you participate in a live setting with other graduates from your own city. You might want to create a releasing support group for yourself and your friends.

I also recommend having all your friends take the course. I've done that myself and it's wonderful. So every place I go, I find myself surrounded by people who know how to release. And that reminds me to release. Sometimes I might not be releasing, and the fact that I'm with somebody who's not bothered by life's miscellaneous things immediately calms me down and reminds me to release. I highly recommend it. It's a wonderful, wonderful idea. Just get all your friends to learn the Release Technique. And be in touch with other releasers.


Let's continue on. Now I want to take a look at a wonderful exercise that's fabulous and very profound. So just follow me.
What is freedom? Now you give an answer, whatever it is. And then I'll continue to work with you.

So what is freedom? ______________________
And if it's even more than that, what is freedom? ______________________
And if it's even more than that, what is freedom? ______________________
And if it's even more than that, what is freedom? ______________________


Continue answering this question repeatedly--as many times as it takes-until you go totally quiet.

And now let's ask another question. What do I have to give up to be all loving? ______________________
And whatever that answer is, could you let it go? And what else do I have to give up in order to be all loving?
And whatever that answer is, could you let it go? And what else do I have to give up in order to be all loving?
And whatever that answer is, could you let it go? And what else do I have to give up in order to be all loving?
And whatever that answer is, could you let it go? And what else do I have to give up in order to be all loving?


And whatever that answer is, could you let it go? And what else do I have to give up in order to be all loving? Continue to ask yourself that question until you go totally quiet.



I have some homework for you. This evening, sit in front of a mirror. Look at yourself in the mirror and release anything that comes up. Just let go of anything you don't like about what you see--the way you are, the way you look and so on. Most of us never look at ourselves. We're too busy looking away.

Release until you totally love yourself. By doing this, you'll be getting closer and closer to opening up the flow of abundance energy, allowing yourself to have everything you want in life. Just love yourself. That's the goal.



Also, as a writing assignment, write yourself a love letter. Sit down and write yourself a love letter. Just allow yourself to just love yourself. Good luck. Allow it to be fun and easy.
发表于 2013-4-30 12:42:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 绝望的麦子 于 2013-4-30 12:44 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-3 21:15:50 | 显示全部楼层
第二十八章 特殊的释放方法
“As the mind gets quiet, first the sense of havingness decreases until a measure of security is felt. It becomes less necessary to have in order to be. Then the sense of doership decreases until a further security is felt in that one is not the real doer, that the real doer is a high power, that one can actually be with much less doing and it becomes necessary to do in order to be. Finally, your real Self that has always been in the background steps in and takes over and you feel that there is nothing necessary any more that you must have or do, that there is no choice but to only be!"
Lester Levenson
See how you feel about the mirror exercise. See if anything got stirred up. If you haven't done the mirror exercise, I strongly suggest that you do it right now. It's highly, highly valuable. And see if anything got stirred up about looking in the mirror. Did it bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? And see how you feel about having looked in the mirror or looking in the mirror. See if it brings up a clutching, a resistance. Could you put the tube into that energy and just allow it to pass through?
And see if there are any other feelings that got stirred up about looking in the mirror or not looking in the mirror. Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let those wants go? And more. And even more. And even more. And see if anything got stirred up about looking in the mirror. Did it bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And see how you feel about having looked in the mirror even if you haven't looked. See if it brings up a clutching or resistance. Could you put the tube into that energy and just allow it to pass through? And see if there's any other feelings that got stirred up about looking in the mirror or not looking in the mirror. Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of wanting approval, control or safety? And more. And more. And even more.
Now see how you feel about the love letter you wrote or didn't write. See if that brought up any feelings--a wanting of approval, control or safety. And could you let go of any or all of those wants? And see if writing a love letter to yourself brings up a clutching, a resistance, and just allow that energy to come up and pass through. It wants to leave. Love is your natural state. Just be yourself. Let go of anything that's blocking you from loving yourself 100%. See if anything got stirred up about loving yourself. Did it bring up a clutching or resistance? Just allow that energy to come up and pass through.
Remember the Chart of Emotions? Well, under Acceptance, the first word that shows up is "abundance." What we've been doing is moving closer and closer toward abundance--Ioving ourselves--acceptance. And when you're accepting of yourself and loving yourself, you're opening up the flow of abundance. You'll be allowing everything to happen to you with ease. You'll have no resistance. In that place, you're no longer guilty, you're not resisting and you're not clutching. You're just allowing everything good to happen. If you can pick up on that feeling--that energy--and just allow things to happen, you'll find that you won't need to do anything but allow it to happen. If you can, it will happen.
Now we're going to do a special cleanup. This is a cleanup that Lester  designed for teachers of the Release Technique to allow them to be released when teaching. I thought it would be valuable for you to have it. It's an excellent way of cleaning up before going to meetings and after meetings, as well as having relationships with people, family and friends. So think of an incident in your life that you've had with someone recently. Maybe it resulted in confrontation. Now get that person's face in your mind. Did that person try to control you? If it brings up a clutching or resistance, then just allow that energy to pass through. Put your head down and allow it to pass through. It wants to leave. Did that person try to control you? See if it brings up a resistance or clutching and just allow that energy to pass through. Remember: Don't release for them, release for you. Why should you feel bad when you have a method for feeling good all the time? Just use it. Did you try to control that person back? Did you? If it brings up an unwanted energy in your stomach or chest--just allow it to pass through.
Do you now grant that person the right to be as they are? If you have any clutching or resistance, just allow that energy to come up and pass through. Remember: Don't do it for them, do it for you. Let the energy go so you can feel good, OK? Did you dislike or disapprove of anything in that person? If it brings up a clutching, a resistance, just allow that energy to pass through. Do you or did you dislike or disapprove of anything in that person? Could you let go of whatever gets stirred up and allow it to leave? Did that person dislike or disapproveof anything in you? Did or does that person dislike or disapprove of anything in you? And if that stirs up a feeling, a clutching, a resistance, just allow it to pass through.
Do you now only have a feeling of love for that person? If there's any resistance or clutching, just allow it to come up. Put your head down and allow that energy to come up and pass through. Do you now have only a feeling of love for that person? Just let go of anything that bothers you about that person. And did that person challenge, oppose or threaten you? If it brings up a clutching, a resistance, just allow that energy to pass through. Put your head down and allow it to come out. Did that person challenge, oppose or threaten you? Just let the energy pass through. And did you challenge, oppose or threaten that person back? If so, could you now let it go? Just let go of clutching and resistance. Allow that energy to leave. It wants to leave. Do you only have a feeling of well-being, safety and trust for that person now? If it brings up a c1utching--an internal resistance-- just allow it to pass through.
Did you reject, cut off or in any way try to be separate from that person? And if it brings up a clutching or resistance, could you now let it go? And did that person reject, cut off or in any way try to be separate from you? And if it brings up a resistance, a clutching, could you just let it go? Did that person reject, cut off or in any way try to be separate from you? Whatever energy gets stirred up, just allow it to pass through. Do you now have only a feeling of "you are me" for that person? If there's any resistance or c1utching--any unwanted energy in your stomach or chest--just allow it to pass through.
Now look at the face of this person and feel only love. Do you have a feeling of "you are me" for that person? If there are any other feelings, go back to the beginning and continue to release on this person. You might want to go back to the beginning of this exercise and start the questions again. Would you still like to control the way anything happened in that situation? If so, could you let go of wanting to control it? You can't really change something once it's happened, but you can let go of the way you feel about it. Would you like to control the way your day went? Could you let go of resisting and let it pass through? Would you like approval for the way the day went--or any part of it? And if so, could you let go of wanting approval? Let that lacking feeling go--just allow it to come up and pass through. Would you still like to control anything you did in this incident? And if so, could you let go of wanting to control it? Just allow it to be something in the past and let it go.
Are you wanting any approval for yourself or any of the people involved in that incident? Could you let go of wanting approval--that lacking feeling? Is there still any wanting of survival that got stirred up in this incident? If so, you’re your head down and just allow that energy to come up. Let go of wanting to surviveand/or wanting to be safe. Just let it go. Is there any wanting to be separate from that person? It's that lacking feeling again. Let go of wanting to be separate—just allow it to pass through. See how you feel about that person, situation and/or incident. If there's anything bothering you, just allow it to come up and pass through. You may want to go back to the beginning of this exercise and start again.
The following process has been designed to greatly accelerate your use of the Release Technique. It is made up of a series of questions which can be asked before or after meetings, especially if these are with difficult people. These can also work for gatherings with your family or friends--in fact, any situation that involves interaction with other people.
As you work with these questions, you will see they help you improve your relationships, communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts and incorporate releasing more easily into your life. They will also greatly improve your effectiveness and contribute to the integrity of all your interactions.
There are three groups of questions. Each focuses on a separate want. First control--then approval--then security.
The way to work with these questions is as follows:
*Focus on (visualize) the face of the person you would like to release about.
*Ask yourself one question at a time and allow the question to surface your wants. You may often notice that just asking yourself the question will cause you to spontaneously release the want you are focusing on at the moment.
*The third question in each set is designed to help you see if you are fully released on the want about that individual. Keep asking yourself the first two questions in each set and release whatever is stirred up until you can honestly answer yes to the third question.
*Start with the set of questions on control and say with that set until you grant that person the right to be the way they are. This often is just a decision to release to completion. It is possible to get to this point very quickly if you are open to it.
*Do the same thing with each set of questions in order. You'll know when you are fully released on a person when you can see their face and have only love for them.
1、  那个人曾经试图控制我吗?
1. Did that person try to control me?
Did I try to control this person?
Do I now grant this person the right to be as they are?
Repeat these questions until you do.
2、  我曾经不喜欢或不认同那个人身上的某些东西吗?
2. Did I dislike or disapprove of anything in this person?
Did this person dislike or disapprove of anything in me?
Do I have only love feelings for this person?
Repeat these questions until you do.
3、  这个人曾经挑战、反对、或是威胁我吗?
3. Did this person challenge, oppose or threaten me?
Did I challenge, oppose or threaten this person?
Do I have only a feeling of well-being--a feeling of safety and trust--with this person?
Repeat these questions until you do.
Look at the face of each person you are working on and feel only love for them--only a feeling of "you are me" for that person. If there are any other feelings, go back to the questions.
发表于 2013-5-5 14:23:48 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-7 20:05:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 KellyWhite 于 2013-5-7 20:10 编辑

第二十九章 结语:不过一切才刚刚开始
"Only through growth do we really understand what love is."
Lester Levenson
Even though this is the last chapter and the course is completed, it really isn't. This is only the beginning of you using the Release Technique. You can use the book and the exercises over and over again. They all stand on their own. You can turn to any chapter or any exercise and use it individually, keeping in mind some key points, highlighted here:
As you become more proficient with releasing, don't be surprised if you find yourself releasing spontaneously during situations as they occur. Be on the lookout for how easy your releasing will become the more you use the Release Technique. The more you use your releasing ability, the more you will have a releasing attitude toward stressful situations.
I suggest you review the book again and do the exercises repeatedly. You'll find that you may not have grasped certain releasing techniques the first time around. This technique is very profound. The more you release, the more you will understand what is being taught. It's like peeling an onion--you keep getting closer and closer to the core.
Sometimes we get so stirred up that we don't always release on the spot. Don't worry about it; you can always release later. Use every down as an up. This will greatly improve your ability to release.
It's a good idea to release on expectations or anticipations. Sometimes you can ask yourself, "Can I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than I think it is?" This will neutralize an anticipation and prevent a self-fulfilling prophecy from taking shape.
Don't save some negative energy for later. While you still feel it, get rid of all negative energy.
Simply put your head down and pull your shoulders back. Move into courageousness and ask the energy to come up—and it will leave. Remember that any release gets rid of the accumulated negative energy, so keep chipping away at it instead of giving up. Do an advantage and disadvantage of being stuck or start releasing on something else so you can open the releasing muscle. You can also call another releasing buddy and ask them to help you release.
Remember that you don't have to put your head down during the time you're with people, but you can put your hand on your stomach or chest area to start releasing. Enjoy this wonderful, wonderful technique. Please let me know how you're doing. Contact me via my company's website at www.releasetechnique.com. I'm truly interested in getting feedback on how the program is working for you. If you have a question or if you're stuck, I'll be happy to point you in the right direction.
Now let's do a cleanup. Just close your eyes and relax--and see if there's any clutching going on in your stomach or chest. Put your head down and allow the energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Now see if there's any resistance. If there is, just allow that energy to come up and pass through. See if there's anything you're trying to figure out. That wanting to figure out is the lacking of answer. You're actually instructing your mind not to give you an answer by wanting to figure it out. Could you get in touch with that unwanted energy in your stomach or chest area--that "lacking an answer" feeling? Could you let go of that lacking feeling? Just allow it to pass through. And could you let go of wanting to know what to do about it? And more. And even more. Could you let go of wanting to know any answers? And more. And even more.
Have you been disapproving of yourself? Could you call up that disapproval energy, that beating yourself up energy? It's a habit in all of us. Just call it up. Put your head down and allow it to come up and pass through. And more. And more. And even more. And could you give yourself some approval? Just for the heck of it? No reason necessary. And could you give yourself some more approval? And more. And more. And even more. Notice where the approval comes from. It comes from you. It does not come from outside yourself. So could you give yourself some more approval? And more. And more. And even more. Could it get any better? And could you let go and find out? And could it get any better? And could you let go and find out? And could it get any better? And more. And more.
See if you can bring up some of the wanting to control that lacking feeling of being out of control. Remember: wanting equals lack. Could you let go of wanting to control? And more. And more. And could you bring up some of that wanting control? Could you let it go? Would you let it go? And when? And see if you can bring up some more of that wanting control. It's that lacking feeling. Could you let that lack go from your stomach or chest area? And more. And more. And more. And see if you can bring up some of the wanting of approval- the lie that approval lies outside oneself--the lie that you have to do something to get it from someone else. Could you let go of that lacking feeling? And more. And more. And even more. And could you bring up some of the wanting to be safe and secure? And more. And more. Can you see it's a lacking feeling? And can you bring up some more of that lacking feeling and just allow it to pass through? It's not good, it's not bad. It's just phenomenon passing through. And more. And more. And even more. And even more.
Now see if you have a story--a "poor me" story. Do you have an "I can't get what I want" story or "nobody loves me" story? How about an "I'm a victim" story? Whatever story there is, could you just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through? And more. And more. And even more. And even more. Now see if you have another story you'd like to let go. Whatever the story is, could you allow it to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And even more. And even more. See if you could bring up some of the wanting to be separate. Could you let go of wanting to be separate? And more. And more. And more. Think of something or somebody you want to be separate form. Could you let go of wanting to be separate? And more. And more. And even more.
Now get a picture of your mind, whatever that means to you. Remember the television show "I Dream of Jeannie"? Remember how she would evaporate out of the bottle on command? Can you allow that picture of your mind to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And more. And more. And even more. And get a picture of your body, whatever that means to you. And could you allow that picture of your body to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And more. And even more. And get in touch with that part of you that says, "If I don't do it, I won't get it done. I have to do everything." Could you allow the concept that you have to do anything, the belief that you have to do everything, to evaporate and dissolve? And more. And more. And even more. And could you surrender to beingness? Allow beingness to take care of it. Allow beingness to do it for you. And more. And more. And even more.
And now ask yourself the question: If I'm not my mind and I'm not my body and I'm not my ego, then what am I? Whatever spontaneous answer you get, could you give yourself to that answer? Allow yourself to surrender to it. And more. And more. And more. And even more.
This place that you're in right now speaks to you. And for the purposes of this exercise, let's call it "Quiet." Quiet is very spontaneous. It speaks to us differently than the mind, which analyzes things before it answers you. So just take whatever answer you get.
Let's ask Quiet some questions and take the first answer that comes. From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as the past? Just notice your spontaneous answer and take what you get.
From Quiet’s point of view, is there such a thing as the future?
From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as right?
From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as wrong?
From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as good?
From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as bad?
From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as birth?
From Quiet's point of view, is there such a thing as death?
From Quiet's point of view, what do you need to do to make a living?
From Quiet's point of view, what do you need to do to awaken, to be realized, to be free?
See if it's possible for anything negative to happen to you in this place that you're in right now. See if it's possible for you to be destroyed in the place you're in right now. Check and see. And could you give yourself to Quiet even more? Just allow Quiet to take you wherever it's going. It's like sitting in a stream on a raft. And just allow yourself to put your bags down. Allow the stream to take you wherever it's going. And more. And more. And even more.
And could you turn your mind over to Quiet and let it do all the thinking for you? And surrender to it even more. And could you turn your body over to Quiet and let it take care of all your bodily functions? And more. And more. And even more. And could you turn anything you had to do over to Quiet? Just allow Quiet to take care of it. And just rest in this place. And in this place, that's where you can dig up your deepest, most suppressed garbage. It wants to leave, so just let it pass through. Lester said don't release to get high, get high to release. So if you're high right now, now's the time to continue digging. Don't just hold on to that nice feeling. Ask yourself, could it get any better? Let go and find out. Don't just hold on to that nice feeling. Ask yourself, could it get any better? Let go and find out. If you like this exercise, you can call and order the cleanup cassette, which you can use over and over again.
And thank you for joining me. And remember to send in your gains. Take a few days to evaluate your gains and send them to me. We'll put you on our mailing list and you'll be known as a Release Graduate. You'll begin to get our magazine, Release, as well as be eligible for various advanced courses. Remember this course is also available to courses and companies. We would love to come and teach this course in person to a company. We can also tailor the course to your company's needs--or any group, for that matter. If you have a group anywhere in the country, we would love to come teach this to them. How about teaching this to your family?
Please stay in touch and, as Lester always said: "Welcome to the Love Boat."
发表于 2013-5-7 21:23:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-5-8 10:50:54 | 显示全部楼层
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