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THE SELF, (YOUR SELF) - Keys to the Ultimate Freedom

发表于 2010-4-23 11:22:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 星空 于 2010-4-23 11:32 编辑

The Self, which is only your real Self, is the real "I" of you1 knowing which, you know all there is to know.

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Knowing your Self is being your Self.

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The ultimate goal of every being in the universe is total freedom; and that is when you are only your Self. .

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The only reason why you are not aware of your Self is simply because you want to be only a single body in the world.

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Everyone will someday wake up to the fact that he is the Self.

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To see your Self, you have to quiet the mind enough. When the mind is being stimulated by the thousands of thoughts in the subconscious, theres little chance of seeing your Self. The thousands of thoughts culminate in tendencies. Drop a tendency and you eliminate the thousands of thoughts under it.

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The only things preventing you from being your Self are your mental habits called tendencies or predispositions. Will them out!

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If you discover that the source of the tendencies or predispositions is the Self, your Self, you drop them then and there.

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When the mind gets free enough, then the Self of you takes over and you are from then on Self-propelled.

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To be, the non-Self requires much effort, and is the effort we feel in life.

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It requires no effort to be your Self!

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The effort that you think you use to try to be your Self is the effort you use in trying to resist being the non-Self ego.

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Your wishes to be the ego and, at the same time, to not be it, doubles the effort.

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All the effort you're involved in is effort to be an ego, or to resist being an ego. Do you see what the problem is? It is your constant effort. You must become effortless.

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There is only one real killing and thats the killing of the Self. Kill the Self and you've got ego and troubles. So everyone is a murderer of the Self who thinks he is an ego.

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The only reason why anyone isn't a ware of the Self is because he wants other than that.

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If one wanted the Self as much as he wanted the world, he would soon have it.

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When you find more joy within yourself than in anything else, then youre really moving in the right direction. If you find any joy in life you're in the wrong direction. Enjoying anything is wrong. Seek joy within. Be joy. Theres nothing needed to enjoy if you are all-joyous.

If we are enjoying anything we are in duality. If I enjoy this, theres "I" and "this." If there's God (Self) alone, there can't be any "I" and "this."

The basic Truth is that you are all joy. Enjoying something will impose an extreme limitation upon your natural state of all-joy. To enjoy something, you're recognizing something other than you. So, I repeat, we should never enjoy anything. Seek joy only within and then the natural state of infinite joy is discovered.

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There is really only one happiness; it is being our very own Self. The happier we are, the more we are dwelling in our Self.

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Everytime you're high you're only being your Self and it feels terrific.

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Living in your Self is living in ecstasies, worldly desires is living in miseries.

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Everyone every moment is experiencing his Self and every moment saying otherwise.

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It's only without thought that you can be the Self.

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Discovering and being your Self is either easy, -or impossible.

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Finding the Self is the easiest thing in the universe when you do it. When you don't do it, when you continuously keep looking away from It, you can never see It. And then it is the most difficult thing in the universe.

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Being your Self is easy. Being an ego is difficult.

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When you realize what you are, it's the dropping of what you are not that is the growth. Each time you see what you are, you should drop that which you are not.

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Everyone is seeking the Self, calling It by different names.

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Anyone who is seeking happiness is seeking the Self. There are two kinds of people in the world: those who are consciously seeking God, happiness, the Self, and those who are unconsciously seeking them.

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In the consciousness of materiality (mammon) there is no God (Self).

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You cannot see God in the world until you see God in yourself.

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God is All and God is Perfect.. Therefore, anything that we see as imperfect is in us.

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If you see separation you see not the Self.

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When the world is real it is heavy. When the Self is real the world is light.

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When our false identity as a body-mind disappears, our real identity as Self appears.

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We are the Self now. All that we have to do is to let go of the concept that we are not.

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The Self is God. The ego is the devil.

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God (your Self) is infinitely individual and individually infinite.

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The most beautiful is God.

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There is something far more beautiful than nature, it is the Source of nature, the ultimate beauty, God.

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No matter how much trouble man can get himself into, God is more resourceful in getting him out of it.

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When we behave like God we have God-like powers.

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God (Self) can materialize anything instantly.

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The All that is God is not every little thing; it is the singular same Essence behind all the little things.

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God and good are sometimes used synonymously. Because everyone wants good, they make God good. God is above good and bad. However, good leads us to God.

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If God is All, that leaves no room for the devil.

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In Reality there is only God (your Self).

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It is better to think of Self rather than God because you generally think of God as other than you and you generally think of Self as you.

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There's no such thing as an external called God. There is a God but It is the internal beingness of each one.

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Everything that is, is the Self, has its isness, its beingness, in your Self, God.

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God is this world, the way this world is, and not the apparency that we see.

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God, Truth, the Self is changeless. If God knew change, He wouldn't be changeless. There is no action in God. God knows nothing of this world as we see it. God is only the changeless beingness behind the world.

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Everyone experiences his Self every moment of his life.

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My Self is the nearest of the near and the dearest of the dear.

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Look to the Self for everything!

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If you want to get more comforts, know thy Self.

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The only answer to, all problems is knowing your .self.

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We will never be completely satisfied until we are completely being the Self.

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To discover your Self is the reason why you came into this world.

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Everyone is seeking his Self in his every act.

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The ultimate happiness is the Self. All other happiness is only a bit of the Self.

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When you know that the only joy there is, is of the Self, you take it directly and in its fullness rather than meagerly, as you formerly took it.

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The only one needed to know your Self is yourself.

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This feeling of needing someone else to be your Self is ridiculous. It limits your being your Self.

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Everyone is actually the Self expressing the Self as extreme limitation, identifying as a limited body-mind. When you say "I" and add nothing to it, that's It.

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When you are not identifying with the ego, you are the Self .

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The only direct knowledge is of the Self. All other knowledge, needing something external to ourselves, is indirect.

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If, at this moment, you identify with your Self, you are infinite.

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That part of you that really is, your beingness, is eternal. It's the I that you really are.

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The little self, the ego, is nothing but the innate infinite Self assuming that It is limited. There are no two selves, one higher, the other lower, no two "I's." There is only one Self. It is perfect and always will be perfect, even though you make the false assumption that It is imperfect and limited. You are now, always were, and always will be your Self.

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Although one always experiences his Self, he usually needs to be directed to It before he becomes aware of It.

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It is the Self that is the source of the ego, the source of everything.

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You are every moment the unlimited Self, every moment saying I am limited. When you drop into the Self you stop saying "I am a limited body-mind."

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Look only at the Self; then the ego is eliminated.

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When you dwell in your Self you have no desire to be liberated. It is only when you are in the ego that you desire liberation.

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The Self is not aware of the ego and the ego is not aware of the Self.

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When I. the infinite Being, feel like a body, it I s the infinite Being imagining it is feeling like a body.

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When the Self is real, the body is not real, and vice versa.

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Identify with your body and the extreme limitations of a body are yours. Identify with your Self and you are all things, all knowledge and power, with no limits.

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There isn't anyone who couldnt materialize anything right now if he or she would just let go of identifying as the limited body.

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If you will discover your Self you'll see that the body and mind are servant to you.

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Obtain and maintain direct experience of the Self. It is easier to obtain than to maintain direct experience.

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Everytime you say "I" it's everything, all the power in the universe. Everytime you add something to It, you pull It down into limitation.

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When you see the Perfection, you see the other one as the other one really is, which is the real thing, - the perfect Self.

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There's not a higher Self and a lower Self. There's only you identifying with your limitless Being or identifying with your limited being.

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You're never satisfied until you go all the way.

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There's only one thing that satisfies fully and eternally and that's total awareness of your Self.

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Everyone is aware of a selfhood. It is the Self, being wrongly identified as only a body.

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If you would just be aware only, you would be your Self. If you would be only, you would be your Self.

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This infinite glorious Being that we are, being absolutely perfect, can never change. It's always there.

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The greatest of all teachers is your Self.

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Look to your Self until you see It completely.

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All Beingness is God, your Self.

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In the Self there is no haver, having or thing had. There is no doer, doing or thing done. There's no knower, knowing or thing known. There, there's only Being, being all Beingness.

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When man seeks and discovers the seeker, he discovers that:

In the Self:

God is not being something, God is beingness.

God is not conscious of anything. God is consciousness.

God does not enjoy anything, God is joy.

God does not love anything or anyone. God is love.

In man:

His beingness is God.

His consciousness is God.

His joy is God.

His love is God.

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Act as though you are the Self. This will lead you to seeing It.

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The Reality of you (Self) is perfect, all joyous, all glorious, all happy.

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The higher you go, the more you realize your Self and the more you treat others as your own Self.

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Being the Self is being selfless. In that state you are interested only in serving others, serving them as your Self.

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The Self is absolute, profound, indescribable peace.

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The only requisite for the realization of the Self, your Self, is stillness.

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When one realizes his Self, all his actions and possessions are not perceived as his. He has given up "me" and "mine." Everything is the Self.

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When you experience the Self, you can't tell about It. Anything you can tell something about isn't It. It's the state of only being. There's no action there; there's no form there. It's Isness, and that's all that It is. You can't use It, you can't know It, you can only be It. When you're there, there's only One, You, and that's all there is.

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Anything but the Self is wholly imagination. The ego is only an apparent actor in the imaginary story script you wrote. Thou art That, here and now. Do not delude yourself. Drop your illusory limitation.

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The Self is Quiescence, perfect Awareness with perfect Stillness.

He who seeks God will not find God in duality.

There is no human, God being All.

There is no time, no becoming.

There is no creating in total perfection.

Only God beholds God, there being nothing else.

Only God loves God, God being All.

Be still and know that you are God!

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There is only God, nothing else. If there is only God, then I am That. At the end of the road we discover that there is only "I," all alone.

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You are the Self saying otherwise, but that doesn't make it so. No matter how much you say otherwise, you are that infinite Being right now.

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You can't become your Self, you It!

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Everytime you say "I" that's the Self, if you would only stop there!

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The word "I," with nothing added to it, is your Self. When you just say "I," that feeling of "I" is the Self. But when you say "I am something," that isn't It. But just pure "I," and only I, is It. When that is all you see and all you know, -that's God, your Self. That's why God is closer than flesh! Just hold on to the word "I" only. "I,I,I,I," Try it when you are alone. Just "I,I" and not "I am a body," but "I,I,I,I" -that feeling of being. Hold That; experience It; be It! It is your Godhead, - your Self!

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Q: There's that famous statement of yours: Let go and let God. It finally struck me that that means let go of your mind and let God.

Lester: Yes, another way to say that is, "Surrender." Even if you surrender to a mountain, you will get it, because surrender is "Not my will. "

Q: Ego, mind and will are all the same thing. So if you let, that means let go of your mind, ego and all the other things.

Lester: Yes.

Q: Sometimes when something happens I can be very irritated but then I catch myself giggling to myself while I'm doing it. It really isn't affecting me.

Lester: Yes, get free and then you may act irritated.

Q: So you can act .any part? And you're aware of the fact that you're an actor?

Lester: Right. But the motivation for the humor is to make others happy, not for ego approval. That's the difference.

When I say you people leveled off and are on a plateau, it's not exactly correct. You leveled off into a slow, gradual upward direction. It could be much faster, even immediate, rather than a slow gradual upward trend. Go all the way and then life from that point on is just a ball. You don't have to work. If you want to you can. You can always be successful; or you can even choose to be unsuccessful, just to make a game out of it. If you can succeed in failing, you can also succeed in succeeding.

Q: Would helping others really be a fast way?

Lester: Not so if your purpose is ego motivated. However, when you live only for others, it's a very fast way. Paradoxically, the most selfish thing you can do is to be totally selfless. When we are totally selfless, we have the All, the Infinity. It's a seeming paradox.

Q: That's it. You offer me the All!

Lester: Yes. We've all had glimpses of it. The thing to do is to establish that permanently, for all time.

So, again I say, take time out every day and effect it. Go all the way. You've got infinite power behind you; there's nothing to stop you but you. Make it part of your every day life and stay with it until it's established for all time. You can do it!

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This Session was recorded in Los Angeles, August 31, 1969.
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