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丰盛之书——第二十章 自尊自傲——它是如何阻挡我们获得丰盛的

热度 5已有 2403 次阅读2013-3-1 21:04 |个人分类:丰盛之书| 释放法, 心灵

第二十章  自尊自傲——它是如何阻挡我们获得丰盛的





"If you could stop thinking for one moment, you would discover what you are."

--Lester Levenson





In this chapter, we're going to explore pride. We're going to move right up the Chart of Emotions from pride to courageousness. Pride, if you look at the Chart of Emotions and the Scale of Action, is a real strong "I can't” I It's hidden by "I won't” People in pride often say, "I won't do it” I However, we didn't ask you if you won't do it. We asked, "Can you do it?” I They say, "I don't want to.”  Yeah, but CAN you do it? To that, they say, "I don't want to.”


So pride is a HIDE. We hide things in pride and it's a very, very strong rejecting place. Pride is where all rejection happens, including our rejection of abundance. And so we're going to explore pride and allow ourselves to feel it. That way, we can let it go so we can move through it, progressing to courageousness and acceptance.





In pride, we have a feeling we are better than anyone else--that nobody else counts and everybody has to look at us and see how wonderful we are. When we make the jump to courageousness, we feel like saying, "I'm terrific, you're terrific; we'll all move together.” There's no contest. The contest stops and so does the conflict and fight to better than the next person. We are very rejecting in pride and we need to explore that and release it, dumping it all so we can move up the Chart of Emotions toward courageousness, acceptance and peace.


So let's read pride from the Scale of Action. Lester's definition of pride: "Pride is the wish to maintain the status quo, unwilling to change or move. Therefore, the wish to stop others from movement as they might pass us up.” It's a contest—“I have to be better than everybody. If you try to move past me, I'm going to push you down.”








Courageousness is the willingness to move out without fear or hesitation-to do, to correct, to change--whatever is needed. It's the willingness to let go and move on.


Ask the releasing questions of: "Would you let it go? Could you let it go? When? ” These are courageous questions. They're not prideful questions, they're courageous ones. Would you let it go? Could you let it go? When? The questions move you up to courageousness, giving you back your power. You recognize it's your feelings. Since they're your feelings, you can let them go if you choose to Doing this continuously moves you closer to acceptance and peace. Therefore, you move toward the imperturbable person you are.





The more you move up on the chart (if you haven't noticed), the quieter you get, the more powerful you get, the more capable you are, the more positive you are. As we've been letting go of these limiting feelings, we are moving up the chart. We've been letting go of this energy and allowing it to pass through. You might take a few minutes and turn to the Chart of Emotions. Check to see where on the chart you were when you started to do the work in this book. Where are you right now on the Chart of Emotions?


Notice that you moved up. Most of us bounce around from different places on the Chart of Emotions, but we all have a home base we can generally hang out in. You will notice that the more you have been releasing these limitations called feelings, the more you've moved up the chart.





Now we're going to take a look at pride in a more in-depth way. In Chapter Eight, there's a description of pride. Let's look at pride again.


The way you feel in pride is: above it all, aloof, arrogant, better than, complacent, conceited, condescending, contemptuous, cool, disdain, haughty, holier-than-thou, icy, irreverent, judgmental, pious, righteous, rigid, smug, special, superior, uncompromising, unfeeling, vain.





























And the way you think when you're in pride includes:

How dare you?

I knew that.

I know everything.

I know.

I won't associate with THOSE kind of people.

I'll look like I'm agreeing and I'll do it my way.

I'm better than all of them.

I'm better than you.

I'm in a better place than all of you.

I'm not like them.

I'm the only one who can do it right.

I'm the only one who can get it done.

I'm the savior.

I'm the hero.

I'm too busy with important matters to have time for you.

It's your fault.

Maybe I'll do it and maybe I won't.

My way is the only way.

What do they know?

What's wrong with you?

Who do they think they are?

Who do you think you are?

Why is everyone so incompetent?

You don't belong.

You need me to get it done.





The way you act when being prideful is: aloof, arrogant, bigoted, blaming others, boastful, bored, closed, complacent, conceited, detached, disrespectful, distant, dogmatic, egotistical, false humility, gloating, hypocritical, indifferent, know-it-all, narrow-minded, never wrong, opinionated, patronizing, pompous, putting others down, remote, sabotaged, sanctimonious, self-absorbed, self-centered, self-important, snobbish, spoiled, stoic, stubborn, stuck up, talking against others, unforgiving, impenetrable, unreadable, unyielding, withdrawn.


Take a look at somebody you know in your life that's in pride a lot and see if you're rejecting, resisting or clutching in reaction to how they act. And just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. And think about a time when you acted in pride--when you really, really thought you were the cat's meow--and you got smashed for it. See if there's any resistance, any rejection, any clutching. Just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through.







One must be OK with any energy. Therefore, we need to move through the energy and push through it, allowing the flow of abundance to continue. Now, when we don't like somebody in pride, guess what? We're in pride and we don't really know it. We're judging them. We're making them wrong and we're actually rejecting them. We end up feeling rejected, BUT IT'S NOT POSSIBLE TO FEEL REJECTED IF YOU AREN'T THE REJECTOR. Just take a check and see. It's not possible to feel rejected if you aren't clutching or resisting. Next time you feel rejected, put your head down, notice if there's an unwanted energy in your stomach or chest. Allow it to come up and allow it to pass through.








Think about the last time you felt rejected. Put your head down and see if you have an unwanted energy in your stomach or chest area. Just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. Think about the last time you rejected someone. You judged them, you put them down. Could that be pride? Could you put your head down and notice there's an unwanted energy there? Could you allow it to come up and pass through? And think about somebody who's really in pride. See if that brings up any resistance in your feeling center—somebody acting like that, walking around like that. See if you're rejecting, resisting them inside your feeling center. Could you allow your energy to come up and just allow it to pass through?


Think about the last time somebody was teasing you or you were teasing them. Could that be pride? It looks playful, but still there's a lot of negative energy there. Take a check. Just allow that energy to come up. Let go of resisting it. It's wanting to get the other person, wanting to show the other person. Can't you see it? Can't you feel it? Feel that pride. Allow it to come up and allow it to pass through.








Let's take a look at courageousness. It's not a holding back place, it's a giving place. Courageousness is the willingness to move out without fear or hesitation. To do. To correct. To change whatever is needed. The willingness to let go and move on. And the feelings associated with courageousness are: alert, alive, assured, aware, centered, cheerful, clear, confident, cooperative, delighted, eager, energetic, exhilarated, focused, grounded, full of gusto, happy, heartiness, hopeful, independent, invincible, loving, lucid, nonresistant, open, optimistic, passionate, purposeful, receptive, resilient, safe, secure, stable, willing, zealous and zestful.


And the way you think when you're in courageousness: I can, I can get it done. I can listen. I can respond appropriately. I do what is needed and it works. I know we can. I'll do what it takes to make it work. I'm willing. I'm willing to take risks. It can be easy and effortless. It is as easy as it is hard. It's possible. Let's work together. We can do it. We'll find a way. Yes!





In pride, you're actually feeling: I'm the greatest and don't you dare do anything to stop me. Everybody look at me. In courageousness: We're terrific. I'm terrific, you're terrific, we'll all be terrific and we'll help each other.


That's a big shift--a big difference. And the way you act is: able, aboveboard, adaptive, adventurous, bold, brave, candid, collaborative, committed, compassionate, competent, cooperative, creative, daring, decisive, dedicated, dynamic, enjoyably, exploratory, flexible, focused, forthright, gallant, generous, giving, full of goodness, gratified, honestly, humorous, initiative, inquiringly, insightful, full of integrity, inventive, motivated, partnering, perceptive, persevering, persistent, playful, pleasurably, resourceful, risk-taking, robust, self-sufficient, sharp, solution-focused, spontaneous, strong, supportive, tireless, unpretentious, valiant and vigorous.




So take a look at the times when you've been in courageousness. See what it looks like. It's a big shift from pride, which is "I'm terrific and don't try to be better than me," to courageousness, which is "I'm terrific, you're terrific ... we'll help each other." It's an attitude swing, it's an energy shift, and it's a moving closer and closer to acceptance and peace.









Now let's take a look at "Releaing the Pride". The following exercise is designed to allow you to let go of your pride and move up into beingness faster.


Pride is an emotion that gets us stuck because often we want to hold on to it and protect it. Pride is sometimes a sense of having done it and not being sure if we can do it again. Therefore, we hold on to what we've done and try to get acknowledgment for it instead of just moving on to our next accomplishment. It's also sometimes a subtle sense of being better than others.


Pride is a blind spot for most of us. We often get stuck in pride and don't know it. Doing this exercise will uncover your pride for yourself and let it go. What I want you to do is just follow along and see what happens.





1  问问你自己,“什么令我骄傲?”列一张单子,然后释放掉与每一条相关的欲望。每次解决一条。

2  问问你自己,“我能把自己对骄傲的执着放下吗?”

3  有些东西是人们经常为之骄傲但不自知的,如:










1. Ask yourself "What am I proud of?" Make a list and release the wants associated with each item. Do one at a time.

2. Ask yourself, "Could I let go of holding on to the pride?"

3. Things that people are often proud about, that we are not consciously aware of:

*being stubborn

*being able to drive others crazy by acting negatively

*being a woman or being a man

*being smart

*being proud of certain things you do in life

*being a smart ass or a brat. ..

You get the idea!





So, think about something you're proud about. Whatever it is--being a smart ass, being stubborn, being smarter than most people, being able to drive people crazy--whatever it is you're proud of. Write it down. I want you to dig as deep as you can. Write down and notice the things that you are proud about that you hide from yourself and don't want even yourself--and definitely others --to know. So think of one thing that you're proud of. Could you see that as either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting safety and security? And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety and security? And think of something else you're proud of. Whichever want it stirs up, could you just let it go?


Now think of something else you're proud of. Remember, pride is a holding- on feeling. So, could you even let go of pride of your son or daughter for a past accomplishment? It's OK to be proud of your son or daughter, but sometimes we hold on to the pride so we can't move forward. Let go and move up. Just let go of the pride and see if it gets any better. Don't just stay stuck. So see what else you're proud of. Could you let that go? And more. And even more. And think of something else you're proud of. Dig as deep as you can. And could you let that go? Could you let go of being proud of that? And more. And more. And I'm not saying it's bad to proud, I'm just saying it's OK to feel it, but then move on. Move up to courageousness, acceptance and peace. Don't just stay stuck in pride. And more. And more.





Now think of something else you're proud of but you don't want anybody else to know. Could you allow that pride to come up? And just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. And even more. And think of something else you're proud of. Could you let go of being proud of that? It's just an energy. Put your head down, allow the energy to come up and allow it to pass through so you can move up to courageousness and peace. Don't just hold on, let it go. And see what else you've brought up. Could that be wanting approval, control or safety? Whichever want it is, could you just allow it to pass through?


Think of something else you're proud of. Put your head down and notice there's a clutching, an energy there. And just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And think of something else you're proud of and allow that energy to come up and pass through. Keep releasing all of your price and then continue.








In this section, we're going to explore judgment. So right now let's ask some more questions. Who or what are you judging? Put your head down, notice there's a clutching, an energy there. And could you let go of judging? And more. And more. Think of somebody you're judging. It could be yourself. It could be somebody else. Notice it's uncomfortable. Put your head down and just allow that energy to come up. Don't release for them, release for you, and allow that energy to leave. And more. And even more. Think of something else you're judging. And just allow that energy to come up and let go of judging it, just allow it to pass through. And think of something or somebody you have a judgment about. Could you allow that energy to come up in your stomach or your chest and just allow it to pass through. And more. And more.


Are you judging yourself for judging yourself or for judging other people? Could you let go of judging yourself? And more. And more. And more. Are you judging somebody for being in pride? Are you proud of being proud? Or proud of being judgmental? Whichever energy it stirs up, could you just allow it to pass through? And more. And more. And even more. And think of somebody else or something else you're judging. And could you let it go? And more. And more. And more. Keep releasing in the judging until you are clear before moving on. Now think of something you're guilty about. It's another form of judgment. Could you allow that energy to come up, let go of resisting it, let go of clutching and just allow it to pass through? And more. And more. And more. It's just a habit.








Think of something you're guilty about. just allow that energy to come up. Put your head down, allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. And think of something you did in the past that you feel guilty about. Put your head down. It's silly to feel guilty about it. You're just hurting yourself and you're just judging yourself (if you've ever noticed). And that is also pride. Can you allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through? And more. And even more. Think of someone who judges you or judges other people. Are you judging them back for doing that? Put your head down and notice there's an energy there and just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more.


And think of something else you're guilty about, something you're guilty for doing. just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Keep releasing until the guilt is gone, then move on.







All right, let's take a look at separation. Who or what do you want to be separate from? Whatever answer you've got, could you put your head down and allow the energy to come up and allow it to pass through? Notice there's a clutching going on, a resistance, and just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Who or what do you want to be separate from? Think of some feeling you want to be separate from. Put your head down. Notice there's a resistance there and just allow it to pass through. And more. And more. Think of something else you want to be separate from. And outrageous person, an annoying person. Put your head down and notice that there's judging going on. And it's uncomfortable. Allow that energy to come up and allow it to just pass through. And more. And even more. Do you want to be separate from your feelings? Keep releasing on things you want to be separate from until you're clear on it before moving on.









Now think of somebody you're rejecting. Could you let go of rejecting them? And more. And more. And maybe you're rejecting yourself--a habit or something you do that you don't like. Put your head down and allow that energy to come up and just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Now think of somebody you're rejecting. just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. And think of somebody that is rejecting you. Could you allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through? And more. And more.


Now think of somebody you're resisting or something that you're resisting. Maybe it's a feeling like apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, pride or even CAP. Just allow that energy to come up. Put your head down, just allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And more. It's only because you're resisting that you feel a push and feel uncomfortable. Let go of resisting. And more. And more.


And think of somebody or something you're resisting. Could you be resisting abundance or having an easy life? Could you be resisting having lots of money or having a loving person in your life? Could you let go of resisting those things? And more. And even more. And even more. And again, anytime you wish, you can stop and do more work on each of these subjects. I highly recommend it.







So who or what brings up feelings of jealousy for you? Think of somebody you're jealous of or something that you're jealous about. Just allow that energy to come up. Notice if you're clutching, if there's a resistance. Just allow that energy to pass through. And more. And more. Think of somebody you're jealous of. See if there's a clutching, a resistance and just allow that energy to pass through. And think of somebody you're in contest with. See if they're jealous of you and whether you're rejecting them or not. Could you let go of rejecting them? And more. And more. And could you let go of trying to separate yourself from them? And more--and even more.








And think of somebody you think you are better than--one person whom you think you're better than. Could you allow that person to be equal to you? Let go of clutching and just release it. Think of somebody you think you are better than. Could you allow that person to be equal to you? And now just let it go. And think of somebody else you think you're better than--one person you think you are better than. Could you allow that person to be equal to you? Let go of clutching and release it. Think of somebody else you think you're better than. Could you allow that person to be equal to you? And just let it go.


Now you may want to take the time at this point and continue on with a number of people in your life and let go of this stuff.








Now, who do you think is better than you? Think of one person that you think is better than you. Can you allow yourself to be equal to them? Could you allow yourself to be equal to them? Notice if there's any clutching. Just let it go. Now who do you think is better than you? Think of one person that you think is better than you. Could you allow yourself to be equal to them? Notice if there's any clutching, release on it, and then let it go! You may want to stop here and continue on with some other people before moving forward.


Now one more: Think of somebody you think is better than you. This person might be more accomplished, have more money, might be better looking or more comfortable in life. Notice you're clutching, judging either yourself or them, and just allow that energy to leave and pass through.









And now let's take a look at our persona, our personality. A better name for it may be "poison"-ality if you are in pride. Take one personality flaw that you have or personality trait that you have and see if it's a wanting of approval, control or safety. And could you let go of either wanting control, wanting approval or wanting safety and security? It might be that you're gentle at times. Could you see that as either wanting approval, control or safety? And could you let that go? It could be that you're tough at times--even mean. You get the idea.


Pick one personality trait that you have and see if it's a wanting of approval, control or safety. And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? Pick another personality trait that you have and see if it's a wanting of approval, control or safety. And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? Pick one personality trait that you have and see if it's a wanting of approval, control or safety. And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? At this point, you might want to continue letting go of your personality traits, your persona--Ietting it go so you're not stuck in pride and you can move on and allow the flow of abundance to continue.


Doing this work is very important in order to move into abundance. So go back and do more until it is all cleared up before moving on.








In this part, we're going to continue looking at pride and our resistance to it. We're going to look at resistance.


And let's do an attachments and aversions session with pride. So what do you like about pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety and security? And whichever want it brings up, could you let it go? And what disadvantage is it for you to be in pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And whichever want it stirs up, could you let it go? Could you even let go of wanting to be separate? And what's another advantage of you being in pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety or wanting to be separate? And whichever want it brings up, could you just let it go? And what's another disadvantage of you being in pride or having pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And whichever want it is, could you just let it go? And what's another advantage to being in pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or sep aration? And whichever want it is, could you just let it go? And what's a disadvantage of being in pride or having pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And whichever want it is, could you let it go? Could you just let it go?




Now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question with regard to pride. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to have pride again. If that brings up an unwanted energy in your stomach or chest--a rejection, a clutching or resistance-- could you just let it go? And more. And even more. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to have pride again. You lost the ability. Notice if it brings up an unwanted energy in your stomach or chest area, a resistance, a clutching—allow it come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. And could you let go of your entire attachment to pride? Any resistance to saying "yes," just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Remember that we are moving up towards imperturbability, courageousness, acceptance and peace. And each time we let go, we're moving up. And pride is a big stuck place, a resistant place. And could you let go of your entire attachment to pride? Could you just allow that energy to pass through? Any resistance to saying "yes?" Just let it go. And more. And even more.








And now let's do the aversion to pride. What do you like about pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And could you let go of these wants? And what do you dislike about pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And whichever want it is, could you just allow it to pass through? And what do you like about pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And whichever want it stirs up, could you just let it go? Just allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just phenomenon passing through. And what don't you like about pride? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And whichever one it stirs up, could you just let it go?


And now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question with regard to pride. Imagine always being in pride all the time. Wherever you go, you can't stop. See if it brings up a clutching, a resistance, and just allow the energy to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Imagine always being in pride. You're going to walk around in pride all the time. You can't top, and people are going to pop you for it. See if that brings up an unwanted energy and just allow it to come up and pass through. And more. And more. Imagine always being in pride. All the time. And you're going to be surrounded by other people in pride and you can't stop. Just notice if it brings up an unwanted energy, a clutching, a resistance, and just allow it to pass through. And more. And more. Could you let go of your entire aversion to pride? If there's any resistance to saying "yes," let go of resisting, let go of clutching, and just allow that energy to pass through. And more. And more. Remember it's not good, it's not bad--it's just phenomenon passing through. And more. And even more.








Now let's take a look at our attachment and aversion to resistance. Resistance really stops us from going all the way, to just letting go and going all the way to imperturbability and having abundance. It's all resistance. So let's take a look at it. What advantage is it for you to resist? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? And what disadvantage is it for you to resist? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of those wants? What advantage is it for you to resist? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? And what disadvantage is it for you to resist? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of those wants? And what's another advantage of you to resist? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of either one of those wants? And what's another disadvantage of you to resist? Does it bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And could you let go of any or all of these wants?


Now one more: What advantage is it to you to resist? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And could you let go of any or all of these wants? And what disadvantage is it to you to resist? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And whichever want it stirs up, could you let that go?






And now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question. Imagine never, ever being able to resist again. You can't do it if you wanted to. Put your head down and see if that brings up an unwanted energy. Could you let go of that resisting energy? Just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to resist again. You can't do it. Allow that energy to come up--that resistance in your stomach or your chest area--and allow it to pass through. You're not on automatic. You can do it when you decide to do it. Just let the energy pass through. Imagine never, ever being able to resist again. You lost the ability. If that brings up a clutching, an uncomfortable feeling, then just allow that energy to pass through.


And could you let go of your entire attachment to resistance? If you're having difficulty saying "yes," put your head down and notice if there's a resistance, a clutching, and just allow that energy to come up and pass through.


And could you let go of your entire attachment to resistance? Just allow that energy to come up. Anything stopping you from saying "yes?" Let it come up and allow it to pass through.








And now let's do the aversion to resistance. What do you like about resistance? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And could you let go of any or all of these wants? And more. And more. And what don't you like about resistance? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? Now what do you like about resistance? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And could you let go of these wants? And what don't you like about resistance? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And could you let go of these wants? And, again, what do you like about resistance? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control, safety or separation? And could you let go of any or all of these wants?


Now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question. Imagine always resisting-- all the time. You can't stop. Put your head down and see if that brings up an unwanted energy. Is there a clutching, a resistance? And could you just let go of that energy? Just allow it to come up. Just allow it to leave. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just passing through. Imagine always resisting, all the time. You can't stop. See if that brings up an unwanted energy and just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through.




One more time: Imagine always resisting all the time. You can't stop. And you're surrounded by people who are resisting. See if that brings up a clutching. Put your head down. Notice the unwanted energy in your stomach or chest. Allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And could you let go of your entire aversion to resisting? Could you let go of your entire aversion to resistance? Anything stopping you from saying "yes?" Just put your head down, see if there's a clutching and just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. And could you let go of your entire aversion to resistance? And just allow that energy to come up. Anything stopping you from saying "yes?" Feel it, and just allow it to pass through.









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