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[奇迹课程] KW_為何越修火氣越大,越絕望?

发表于 2015-1-25 23:57:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





      如果你感到急需帮助,就去寻找对自己最有效的帮助吧,无需拘泥於特定形式。例如,如果药物治疗或心理援助能够减轻你的沮丧和对健康的担忧,就不要犹豫。确实,真正的疗愈只能来自奇迹,或者心灵层面的知见转变,唯有如此,我们才能获得持久的内在平安。但是只要我们还有任何的内疚,视自己是分裂的丶以身体形式存在的个体,我们就不必否认身体或心理上的舒适需求。耶稣虽将「试图在问题不在之处(即这个世界中)解决问题」称之为「怪力乱神」,但他从未说过不要这样做。事实上,他告诉我们,否认世界或身体的存在是「最不值得的否认能力」(T.2.IV.3:11) . (也见, T.2.IV.4,5)。




    选自/ 奇迹课程基金会问答服务
    校译/红云 Robert 妍蓁 Clare

    Sometimes I feel so angry and depressed, I wonder why I bother.

    Q #1256: I have read the text of A Course in Miracles and will be starting the lessons soon. I am feeling an increase in depression and health concerns. Having been a spiritual student for several years, I know that the body is just an illusion and that we are in control of our thoughts. But I feel I will never achieve peace. Sometimes I feel so angry and depressed that I wonder, why bother? I feel very desperate for help!

    A: The state you describe -- knowing that ultimately our own thoughts determine our experience but still at times finding ourselves mired in depression and anger -- is undoubtedly very familiar to many spiritual students. Ironically, the knowledge that we do not have to be miserable often heightens our awareness of just how miserable we are. In addition, it is likely that the idea of beginning the workbook is extremely threatening to your ego. As the Course says , "The ego will attack your motives as soon as they become clearly out of accord with its perception of you. This is when it will shift abruptly from suspiciousness to viciousness, since its uncertainty is increased" (T.9.VII.4:6,7) . So perhaps you can take some comfort in the fact that yours is a common reaction to trying to achieve spiritual growth. It is not a symptom of weakness or a sign of failure on your part.

    If you are feeling desperate for help, seek that help in whatever form you think would be most effective for you right now. For example, do not hesitate to get medical or psychological assistance if that could alleviate your health concerns and depression. It is true that real healing comes exclusively from the miracle, or change of perception that occurs in the mind, and that it is the only thing that can lead us to lasting inner peace. But as long as we retain any guilt or identification with ourselves as the separated, physical beings we seem to be, we do not want to deny ourselves physical or psychological comfort. While Jesus does label attempts to solve problems where they are not -- i.e. in the world -- as magic , nowhere does he say not to do this. In fact, he tells us that to deny the existence of the world or the body is "a particularly unworthy form of denial" (T.2.IV.3:11) . (See also, T.2.IV.4,5)

    Emotional ups and downs, and endless concerns and pains, are inevitable for bodies. Indeed, we dreamed up this world precisely to be in a constant struggle that obliterates God's Love from our mind. So we cannot expect our issues to subside easily. Feeling guilty or frustrated that we still have them is not a helpful or kind thing to do to ourselves. What is helpful is to realize that our pains are the very curriculum that the Holy Spirit can use to teach us that we are not the victim of the world we see (W.57.1.31) . For that to happen, we need to ask Him to hold our hand and look at our pain with us, without judgment. He will teach us that our troubles merely indicate that our intellectual understanding of the illusory nature of the world and the body are still overshadowed by our fear. And fear calls for love and understanding, not punishment.

    This, then, is the answer to why it is worth continuing on the spiritual path, even when it feels as though we are not getting anywhere. By realizing that the Holy Spirit's non-judgmental Love is in our mind -- right alongside our fear -- we discover that our insanity has no effect on God's Love. In this way, our fear and pain gradually lessen and begin to lose the power they seemed to have over us. They may not disappear for quite some time, but they slowly cease to be a big deal. Eventually, every time we feel pain we can simply look at it and say, "There it goes again. So what else is new?"

    Until we reach that point, when we catch ourselves thinking that our pain is a miserable ending point rather than a silly, temporary roadblock, we can remember Jesus' loving advice: "The ego always marches to defeat, because it thinks that triumph over you is possible. And God thinks otherwise" (T.23.I.2:6,7) .


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