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丰盛之书——第十七章 如何让你自己摆脱忧虑

热度 3已有 1995 次阅读2013-2-20 21:04 |个人分类:丰盛之书| 释放法, 心灵

第十七章  如何让你自己摆脱忧虑





"The more you quiet your mind, the more you feel the Self—and the better you feel.

You feel as good as your mind is quiet."

--Lester Levenson




Now we're going to continue eliminating all the obstacles in the way of us having abundance. And one of the big obstacles we have in life is a thing called "worrying./I Does anybody like to worry? No, I suspect not. But it's a habit, so we're going to do attachments and aversion to worrying. The goal is to eliminate this nasty habit forever. Worrying stops us because we are holding in mind what we don't want. However, we continue to do it because it's a habit. So let's do an aversion to worrying because I have found that people usually have a bigger aversion than attachment to worrying. That's not necessarily so all the time, but let's just start with the aversion to begin our investigation.







Stream of Consciousness:

(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, control or safety. Then release the want.)



What advantage is it to me to worry?



What disadvantage is it to me to worry?



1、      想象你永远永远都不能感到忧虑担心了。(将紧抓不放的感觉放下,把这想法在你胸腹之间引起的感觉放下。保持释放直到胸腹之间没有残余的感觉。)

2、      我能否将自己对忧虑的所有贪爱都放下?(保持释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)


1. Imagine never, ever being able to worry again. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)


2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to worrying? (Keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)





So what do you like about worrying? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? Could you let go of any or all of these wants? And what don't you like about worrying? Make something up. Use your imagination. So what if it makes no sense? We wouldn't necessarily consciously do anything destructive to ourselves, but we continue doing it out of habit and lack of discrimination. What we are doing is digging up the subconscious mind and letting it go. So, what do you like about worrying? Make something up. Make up something stupid. Use your imagination. Does that thought or feeling provoke a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of any or all of these wants? And more ... and more ... and even more. And what don't you like about worrying? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Could you let go of any or all of these wants? And what do you like about worrying? Again, keep digging deeper. Make something up; use your imagination. Does that stir up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let these go?


And what don't you like about worrying? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? And what do you like about worrying? Does that stir up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Could you just let it go, whichever feeling it stirs up? And what don't you like about worrying? Does that stir up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And whichever feeling it stirs up, could you just let it go? Wanting approval, control or safety and security--these are lacking feelings, so let them go.





Once more: What do you like about worrying? It's just a subconscious habit. A lot of people are protecting themselves with fear. That's like jumping into a swimming pool while holding onto a bag of cement and thinking it's going to help you float. So could you let go of protecting yourself with fear and with worry? And more. And more. So what do you like about worrying? Does that stir up a feeling of wanting approval, control or safety? Could you let go of these feelings? And what don't you like about worrying? Does that stir up a feeling of wanting approval, control or safety? Could you let go of these feelings, too?


And one more time: what do you like about worrying? Does that stir up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or a feeling of being safe and secure? And what don't you like about worrying? Does that stir up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of these wants? And more. And more. And even more. Keep releasing until you are clear on both sides. Then move on.







Stream of Consciousness:

(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)



What do I like about worrying?




Is that wanting approval, wanting control, wanting to be safe? Couyld you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe? Keep looking at this area and keep releasing until it is gone.



What don't I like about worrying?




Is that wanting approval, wanting control, wanting to be safe? Couyld you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe? Keep looking at this area and keep releasing on this until there is no more.






And now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question. Imagine always worrying ... forever. You can't stop. Now that will probably create a clutching, resistance or unwanted energy in your stomach or chest. Can you put your head down and allow this energy to come up? Welcome it up. Let go of resisting it. Let go of clutching. Look for it. Imagine always worrying .. .forever. You can't stop. Just allow that energy to come up. Let it pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Imagine always worrying forever, not being able to stop. Whichever want or unwanted energy it stirs up, just allow it to come up and pass through. And more. And more. And even more. And could you let go of your entire aversion to worrying? Anything stopping you from saying "yes," put your head down, disengage it and allow that energy to come up and pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Keep releasing until there is no more clutching ... and then move on.


And could you let go of your entire aversion to worrying? Just allow that energy to come up and just allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. Could you let go of your entire aversion to worrying? Anything stopping you from saying "yes?" Look for the clutching, resistance, unwanted energy and just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Continue with this question until you can say yes 100%.


Right now, take a look and see if there's any more worrying aspects you might want to look at and when you're ready, you can move on to attachment to thinking.







Stream of Consciousness:

Uust let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see

what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to

be safe or secure and then release the want.)



What advantage is it to me to think?



What disadvantage is it to me to think?





So what advantage is it for you to think? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? Now whichever want it brings up, could you just let it go? Whether it's the wanting of approval, control or safety? Now what disadvantage is it to you to think? Make something up. Use your imagination. Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? And whichever want it is, could you just let it go? Either the wanting of approval, wanting control or the wanting to be safe? Now what's another advantage of you thinking? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe, secure and to survive? Could you let go of any or all of these wants? And more. And more. And more. And what disadvantage is it for you to think? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And more. And more. And more.


1、      想象你永远、永远、永远不能再思考了。(把这想法在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或一种抗拒感释放掉,持续释放,直到胸腹之间再无残余的感觉。)

2、      我能否把自己对思考的所有贪爱都放下?(坚持释放,直到你能毫不抗拒、毫不犹豫地给出一个百分之百肯定的答案。)


1. Imagine never, ever being able to think. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)


2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to thinking? (Keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)








Now let me just talk a little bit about the process of thinking. We're learning how to master our minds so the mind becomes our servant instead of us having to listen to it all the time automatically. And that's what we're doing. So I'm not suggesting that we not think anymore. I'm suggesting that we master our mind and its thinking ability so we can be in charge of the mind instead of the mind being in charge of us.


One of Lester's favorite movies was "2001: A Space Odyssey". If you remember thE: movie, the computer called HAL 9000 took over the spaceship and killed everyone aboard in an attempt to take over. Keir Dullean (Dave), the remaining astronaut, was almost killed ... pushed out of the spaceship by HAL. Somehow or other, he crawls back in the ship. Then the computer, HAL, starts talking to him: "Hold it a minute, you need me. Who's going to run this spaceship when you're sleeping? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to do anything wrong. I didn't mean to kill the other astronauts." But Dave keeps walking toward the computer and pulls all the tapes out. And HAL goes quiet as the tapes are removed. Then Dave takes over the spaceship. Basically, that's what happens with us and our minds. We forget who's in charge. We don't have to listen to all that worry and all that negativity and stuff like that. We can master our mind and let it become our servant instead of the other way around. So, by having discrimination about thinking, we get clearer and we know in which direction we should move. With this in mind, let's continue examining our thinking process and examine the mind and begin to master it--by pulling out its tapes.








So what advantage is it for you to think? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Whichever want that gets stirred up, could you let it go? And what disadvantage is it for you to think? Make something up. Use your imagination. Could you see that as wanting approval, control or safety? And whichever want that gets stirred up, could you just let it go? Could you let go of wanting approval, control or safety? And what's another advantage to thinking? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let any of those go? And what disadvantage is there to thinking? Does it bring up a want of approval, control or safety? And whichever want gets stirred up, could you just let it go? And what's another advantage in thinking? Could you see that as a want of approval, control or safety? And could you let any or all of those go? Keep going back and forth until you are clear on any advantages and disadvantages. Then move on.


Now, what happened originally is the mind was supposed to be used to be our servant. It was supposed to help us remember names, faces, places and various things like that. Instead, it kind of took over and the servant became the master of the house. Now what we're doing is taking back control. We're taking charge so that you'll be able to adjust what your thinking is, what to use it on and prevent terror from it. You won't have to listen to it in a negative way. And that's what we're examining.





So imagine never, never, ever being able to think again. Now put your head down and see if it brings up an unwanted energy, a resistance, a clutching and just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to think again. Put your head down, let the energy come up and just allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad. It's just phenomena passing though. Now imagine never, ever, ever being able to think again. You've lost the ability. You might be experiencing something about HAL, the example I told you about from 2001 : A Space Odyssey. CHECK AGAINST ORIG Please don't unravel me about stuff like that. Just let the energy come up, take charge, become the master and let the other energy go.


Imagine never, ever, ever being able to think again. Put your head down, see if there's any resistance or clutching and just allow the energy to come up and pass through. And more. And more. And more. And could you let go of your entire attachment to thinking? If you have a resistance to saying "yes," put your head down and allow that energy to come up and just allow it to pass through. Now notice how you feel. Are you feeling clearer and lighter, less confused? You're not feeling stupid, are you? Can you see you're getting clearer and clearer? I'm suggesting that you master your mind rather than having it master you. Could you let go of your entire attachment to thinking? See if it brings up an unwanted energy, a resistance to saying yes and just allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Keep releasing until you are clear and have no more clutching when asking the "squeezing the lemon" question. Then move on.







Stream of Consciousness:

(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)



What do I like about thinking?



What don't I like about thinking?



1、      想象你永远都在思考,停都停不下来。(将它在你胸腹之间引起的紧抓感或抗拒感释放掉。重复释放,直到胸腹之间没有任何感觉留下。)

2、      我能否把自己对思考所有的憎恶都放下呢?(重复释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)


1. Imagine always thinking. You can't stop. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)


2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to thinking? (Keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)





Now let's continue on with our aversion to thinking. So what do you like about thinking? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? Could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe and just let it go? And what don't you like about thinking? Does that bring up an unwanted energy or a want of approval, control or safety? And whichever it is, could you just let it go? And what else do you like about thinking? Does that bring up a wanting approval, a wanting control or a wanting to be safe? And whichever it is, could you just let it go? And what don't you like about thinking? Does that bring up a want of approval, control or safety? And whichever want it is, could you just let it go? Keep going back and forth until you have no more likes or dislikes and then move on.


Now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question about thinking. Imagine always thinking. You can't stop. You're going crazy with it. Put your head down. See if it brings up a resistance or clutching, an unwanted energy. The energy wants to leave. Just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through.





Imagine always thinking. You can't stop. It's driving you absolutely nuts. Put your head down and see if it brings up an unwanted energy, a clutching or resistance. Could you just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more ... and more ... and even more. Imagine always thinking. You can't stop. See if it brings up a resistance, an unwanted energy. Could you just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through? And more. And more. And even more.


Imagine always thinking. You can't stop. And you're going to have to listen to this thing forever. Put your head down. See if it brings up a clutching, an unwanted energy, and just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Imagine always having to think, you can't stop. It's going to drive you nuts forever. Put your head down, allow it to come up and allow it to pass through--the energy. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just phenomenon passing through. Notice you're getting clearer and lighter. Check and see if you feel smarter or stupider. Chances are, you're feeling more and more positive, clearer and smarter. Even though your mind might have said to you "this is crazy!". So keep asking the "squeezing the lemon" question until there is no resistance in your stomach or chest area.  And then move on.





Could you let go of your entire aversion to thinking?


Any resistance to saying "yes?" Put your head down and notice that there's an unwanted energy, a resistance or clutching, and allow the energy to come up and just allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Could you let go of your entire aversion to thinking? Any resistance to saying "yes?" Clutching? Just allow the energy to come up. It's not good, it's not bad. It's just phenomena passing through, so just allow that energy to be released. And more. And more. And even more. And could you let go of your entire aversion to thinking? Just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. Keep releasing on the question until you can say "yes" 100% with no doubts or hesitation.








Now let's do a little cleanup. And then we'll continue to get closer and closer and closer to abundance--and closer and closer to a quiet mind (if you have noticed). Now let's continue this work.


Close your eyes and see if there's an unwanted energy stirred up in your stomach or your chest area. Put your head down and put your hand on your stomach or chest area, wherever your feeling center is. And just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. And see if there's any more clutching or resisting in your stomach or chest area. Can you allow that energy to come up and pass through? And more. And even more. And even more. Could you let go of wanting to figure anything out? And more. And more. And even more. And could you let go of wanting know what the answers are? And more--and even more.




Now see if you can bring up some of the wanting of control--the lie that you lack control. That wanting of control. That lacking feeling. Put your head down. Notice you have an unwanted energy. Could you just allow that energy to leave? And more. And even more. And could you let go of wanting control? That lacking control feeling? And more. And even more. And could you bring up some more of the wanting control? Just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And even more. See if you could bring up some of the wanting approval--the lie that it lies outside yourself. That wanting, lacking feeling. Could you allow it come up? Could you allow it to pass through? And more. And more. And even more. And see if you could bring up some of the wanting to be safe, wanting to be secure--that lacking feeling. Could you allow it to come up and could you allow it to pass through? And more. And even more. Notice it gets easier. The more you practice releasing, the more you keep the "releasing muscle" open. Releasing becomes easier and easier.








Now let's look at our attachment to doing something. Now, I'm not talking about not having the ability to do something, I'm talking about being run automatically: "I gotta do this, I have to do this, I should do this, I must do this." You need to be in control rather than having to listen to this thing telling you what to do all the time.







Stream of Consciousness:

(Just let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought as wanting approval, wanting control, or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)



What advantage is it to me to do something?



What disadvantage is it to me to do something?



1、      想象你永远都不能有所作为了。(将其在你胸腹之间激起的紧抓不放的感觉或抗拒感释放。重复释放,直到没有剩余。)

2、      我能否将自己对有为所有的贪爱都释放掉?(持续释放,直到你能够毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答案。)


1. Imagine never, ever being able to do something. (Let go of clutching or resisting the feeling it brings up in your stomach or your chest. Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.


2. Could I let go of my entire attachment to doing something? (Keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)





So let's take a look at the attachment to doing something. So what advantage is it to you to do something? Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, control or safety? And could you let go of wanting approval, control or safety?


Now what disadvantage is to for you to do something? Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of any or all of these feelings? Now what advantage is it to you to do something? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let go of such wanting? And what disadvantage is it for you to do something? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? Now could you let go of wanting approval, control or being safe? And what is another advantage of doing something? Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, control or safety? And could you let go of either wanting approval, control or being safe and secure? And what is another advantage of doing something? Could you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let it go? And more. And more.





And what's another advantage of doing something? Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And what's another disadvantage of doing something? Does that bring up a feeling of wanting approval, control or safety? And could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? Keep releasing until you have no more advantages or disadvantages coming up. Then move on.


Now we're going to ask the "squeezing the lemon" question. Again, this is designed to bring up whatever resistance you have--whatever energy is stored in your stomach or your chest area--and allow it to come up and let it go. So imagine never, ever, ever being able to do something again. You can't do it if you want to. Put your head down and allow that energy to come up and let go of resisting it. And more. And more. And even more. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to do something again. You couldn't do it even if you wanted to. And just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to do something again. Allow that energy to come up and just allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And even more. Imagine never, ever, ever being able to do something again. You couldn't do it even if you wanted to. Put your head down, see if there's any unwanted energy, and just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And more. And more. And even more. And could you let go of your entire attachment to doing something? If there's any resistance to saying yes, put your head down and just allow that energy to come up and allow it to pass through. Keep releasing on the "squeezing the lemon" question until you have no more charge on the question.




Remember, we're going for the ability to freely do something or not do something. To eliminate that compulsion, the "I have to do this" or "I have to do that" scenario. That's all we're dOing. Could you let go of your entire attachment to doing something? If there's any resistance to saying yes, just allow it to pass through. Remember, you want to be able to be free to do it or not do it. Again, why not be in control of your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you? So could you let go some more? Keep releasing until you can answer yes 100% to this question--then move on.







Stream of Consciousness:

(Just let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought of as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe or secure and then release the want.)



What do I like about doing something?



What don't I like about doing something?



1、      想象你永远都得有所为,停都停不下来。(重复释放,直到胸腹之间没有任何感觉留下。)

2、      我能否把自己对有为所有的憎恶都放下呢?(重复释放,直到你能毫不犹豫、毫不抗拒地给出一个百分之百肯定的答复。)


1. Imagine always having to do something; you can't stop. (Keep releasing until there are no more feelings in your stomach or chest.)

2. Could I let go of my entire aversion to doing something? (Keep letting go until you can say "yes" 100% with no clutching or resistance.)





And now let's look at the aversion to doing something. What do you like about doing something? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or a wanting to be safe? Could you let go of either wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? Now what don't you like about doing something? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And whatever it is, could you let go of either wanting approval, control or safety? Now what do you like about something? Another one. Can you see that as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of any or all of those wants? And what don't you like about doing something? Could you see this as wanting approval, wanting control or wanting to be safe? And could you let go of whatever got stirred up? And what's one more "What do I like about doing something?" Does that bring up a wanting of approval, control or safety? And could you let any or all of those wants go? And what don't you like about doing something? Does that bring up a wanting of approval, a wanting of control or wanting of safety and security? And whichever want it brings up, could you now let it go? And more. And even more. Keep releasing until you have no more advantages or disadvantages. Then move on.


And now let's ask the "squeezing the lemon" question: Imagine always having to do something. You can't stop. If that brings up a clutching, a resistance, put your head down. Allow that energy to come up and allow it to leave. And more. And more. Imagine always having to do something. You can't stop, you're gonna have to do it forever. Allow that energy to come up and just let go of resisting it, and allow it to pass through. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just phenomena passing through. And more. Imagine always having to do something. You can't stop. Put your head down, allow that energy to come up. Let go of rejecting, resisting, clutching. Just allow it to pass through. And more. And more. Keep releasing until you have no more clutching from asking yourself this question. Then move on.





And could you let go of your entire aversion to doing something? Any resistance to saying yes? Put your head down, allow that energy to come up and allow it to just pass through. And could you let go of your entire aversion to doing something? Any energy there? Just allow it to come up and allow it to pass through. And could you let go of your entire aversion to doing something? And more. And even more. Keep releasing until you can say "yes" to this question 100%.


You might want to write down some insights that you have noticed when doing this exercise. The exercises are designed to help you discriminate on your attachments and aversions. They are designed to allow yourself to give up the automatic reactions and have a clear understanding of why we're doing things from an automatic standpoint of view.





(Why We Do It Automatically)





Here's why I suggest you do the "worrying, thinking, doing something" exercises. By doing these exercises, it allows you to call up the subconscious mind, look at it, and then release what you don't want.


The habit of worrying is something that plagues us all, but we seem to do it a lot. One day, when I was into worrying, I sat down and did an attachment to worrying and an aversion to worrying. The word "thinking" kept coming up in the releasing exercise, so I sat down and did an attachment to thinking and an aversion to thinking. To my amazement, I noticed that in order to "worry," I had to "think." In order to "think," I had to "worry." That "worrying" went hand in hand with "thinking." I never saw that in myself that way. Then the words "doing something" kept coming up, so I sat down and did an attachment to doing something and an aversion to doing something. I then discovered that every time I was worrying and thinking, I always HAD to do something. Then I noticed that I was motivating myself with negativity to do something about the disturbing or scary situation. I decided that I no longer wanted to motivate myself with negativity, so I sat down and I wrote the following goal, which I have been using successfully for years:





"I allow myself to do absolutely nothing (except release) and have a wonderful abundant life with ease."


I then discovered that the most powerful action I could take was releasing. Everything started to happen for me without me moving my muscles--the "butt" system started to work big time, and I started to know how the mind really worked. Try it. You'll like it.









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